The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court begins his ten-day tour of Colombia and Venezuela

Karim Khan (AFP)

Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, starts on Monday a 10 days tour of Colombia and VenezuelaCountries in which the tribunal charged with prosecuting those responsible for crimes against humanity is conducting preliminary investigations with a view to opening possible prosecutions.

The first part of the trip will be in Colombia, where Khan will be staying Until Friday 29. Later, he will travel to Venezuela until Wednesday 3 November.

The attorney general and his delegation plan to meet with various stakeholders, “including high-level meetings with the authorities, the judiciary, and representatives of the diplomatic corps, as well as with civil society and NGOs,” they reported from the court. In Colombia, it has already been confirmed that President Ivan Duque will receive him on Tuesday.

These visits reflect Attorney General Khan’s commitment to increasing direct engagement with the region and exploring avenues of cooperation in accordance with the principle of complementarity.They noted in a statement that the mission aroused “great interest.”

For his part, the Prosecutor added: “I am convinced that greater commitment and cooperation with States Parties will improve the performance of the Rome Statute in line with the principle of complementarity. Communication is essential to explain the mandate of the OTP and the ICC and to build trust with stakeholders.”

“I look forward to hearing and learning on this, which is my first trip as an ICC prosecutor to the region,” he added. Khan took office in June at the end of Fatou Bensouda’s term. In her last days, the Gambian lawyer expressed this It aims to request an official investigation into the crimes committed by the forces of the Nicolás Maduro regime in Venezuela, but was blocked at the last minute after Caracas asked judges to take control of the case.

SPAIN headquarters in Caracas, where a number of political prisoners are being held (Reuters)
SPAIN headquarters in Caracas, where a number of political prisoners are being held (Reuters)

Via Twitter, Juan Guaido: “We appreciate the visit of ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan and his technical team to Venezuela, who It will verify complaints of crimes against humanity, which are drawn up before the body that it administers“.

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Days ago, before the releases of Khan’s tour, a file of send kasla institute An open letter to the attorney generalIn it, they detailed the 10 detention and torture centers he would have to visit to investigate the crimes of the Chavista regime. “Since July, the date you were invited by one of the people who have been highly responsible for crimes against humanity committed in Venezuela, Maduro’s chief prosecutor, Tarek William Saab, the dictatorship has dedicated itself to ‘wiping out’ the paint. and reconstructing famous dungeons where civilians and soldiers, women and men, were subjected to horrific torture for years to oppose and disobey the regime,” he denounced. Tamara Sogo, Executive Director of the Institute.

The International Criminal Court is currently conducting preliminary examinations regarding the situations in Bolivia, Colombia, Guinea and two cases related to Venezuela.

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