The professor threatened to expel anyone who used inclusive language – News

A university professor in Mexico threatened his students with expulsion from class if they used inclusive language.

“You have to understand that there are two types, male and female. There is male and female in animals, there is no walker or female, please avoid the pain of getting them out of here,” a teacher from Autonomous University told them State de México (UAEMex) at the start of a virtual class.

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Professional layoffs were portrayed by students and rejected by the institution, which issued a statement saying that “the values ​​and principles of integrity and inclusion are among the priority axes of the university administration 2021-2025, so it does not share offensive expressions to the university community or society in general.”

The teacher’s warning came two days after a student, crying, asked to be called “Shrek” in the middle of class Zoom.

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The teacher pointed directly at the video and said, “You’re not going to start like in the video that’s circulating that he’s a partner, someone told me that and get him out of here, if someone starts dragging him, get outside.”

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Freddie Dawson

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