Pedro Castillo will seek to install his new government after changing one minister despite demands from the opposition in Peru

President of Peru, Pedro Castillo (EFE / Paolo Aguilar / Archive)

Government of the President of Peru, Pedro CastilloAnd He will go to Congress on Thursday for an inaugural session with one changing minister, which apparently did not respond to requests for moderation from the opposition, which does not trust many members of the executive branch.

It will be a long journey from then on There will be a debate of parliamentarians for four and a half hours And to this we must add time for questions and answers, as well as for the final participation of the various ministers. trade.

Among the ministers who took office at the end of July are: Only foreign relations, Hector Béjart, have been replacedAfter some previous statements to occupy the position of chancellor caused controversy, as he asserted that terrorism in Peru was started by the navy in the sixties and seventies of the last century.

The 85-year-old former sociologist and heterosexual has been replaced by a diplomat Oscar Martua, who was actually the chancellor of Peru during the government of former President Alejandro Toledo (2005-2006), which Didn’t get along well with Vladimir CeronThe leader of the Marxist Party, Peru Lieber.

Among those questioned by the opposition was Prime Minister Guido Peledo, a congressman from Peru Libre (Reuters/Angela Pons)
Among those questioned by the opposition was Prime Minister Guido Peledo, a congressman from Peru Libre (Reuters/Angela Pons)

however, The opposition, which has a majority in Congress and controls the House of Representatives, has asked Castillo to make between three and five amendments within the executive branch to give him a vote of confidence..

Among the ministers most questioned by the opposition is the prime minister, Guido PeledoLiber, a congressman from Peru; and owners of labor and employment promotion files, Iber Maravi; defense, Walter Ayala; energy and mines, Ivan Merino; transportation and communication, Juan Francisco Silva.

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To get the position, the government needs to get votes in favor of more than half of the members of Parliament who attend the session..

In the event that the executive branch is unsuccessful, Congress will take the only opportunity provided by the Constitution to assign blame to the government without the President having the possibility to dissolve Parliament and call new legislative elections, since he is empowered to do so if it happens a second time.

Without an inauguration by the legislature, the prime minister is obligated to resign and Castillo must appoint someone else in his place to form a new cabinet.

There was only one precedent for a government that did not achieve the inauguration, which was led by Pedro Catriano In 2020, under the presidential term Martin Vizcarra (2018-2020).

(With information from EFE)

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