The Pope, the tradition of the guards o de la Reserva al Zoológico

Quite the contrary. This new Motu feature eliminates. Indicates the instability of the current teaching profession and indicates an expiration date O popes, Benedict XVI, who would not even be able to celebrate his fifteenth birthday.

Everything, or almost everything, in O popes,, dispersed, abandoned or destroyed. Moreover, the target is clearly stated in the message accompanying this deletion.

The Pope lists two principles “on the way of the dioceses”: “On the one hand, to offer the good of those who have been rooted in the previous form of the celebration and who need time to return to the Roman rites proclaimed by Saints Paul VI and John Paul II.”

On the other hand: “The cessation of establishing new personal parishes is linked to the desire and will of individual priests more than to the real need of the “holy and faithful people of God.”

scheduled extinction

As Francis becomes an advocate for endangered animals or plant species, he determines and decrees the extinction of those associated with the rite of the Divine Liturgy. This species no longer has the right to live: it must disappear. All means will be used to achieve this result.

First, a strict curtailment of freedom. Until now, the spaces for ancient rituals had a certain latitude of movement, very similar to nature reserves. Today, we’ve moved on to the zoo system: cages, tightly confined and bound. Their number is strictly monitored, and once installed, it will prevent the creation of more.

Guardians (or should we say warders?) are none other than the bishops themselves.

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All this is stated in Article 3, paragraph 2: “The bishop shall indicate one or more places where the faithful belonging to these groups may gather to celebrate the Eucharist (not in parish churches and without setting up new personal parishes).”

The internal regulations of these cells are subject to strict control (Article 3, paragraph 3): “The bishop will determine at the appointed place the days in which Eucharistic celebrations are permitted, using the Roman Missal issued by St. John XXIII in 1962.”

This control extends to the smallest detail (Explanation): “In these ceremonies the readings will be announced in the vernacular, using Bible translations for liturgical use, approved by the relevant episcopal councils.” Not to mention using Dom Lefebvre’s translation or yesterday’s reading book.

Euthanasia is foreseen for specimens deemed unsuitable for palliative care (Article 3, Clause 5): “The bishop, in personal parishes legally established for the benefit of these faithful, will proceed to a proper assessment of their true usefulness for spiritual growth, and will decide whether or not to keep them.”

In addition, the entire reservation is canceled, as the commission disappears Ecclesia Day (Article 6): “Institutions of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, established by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Day It becomes the prerogative of the Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.”

It is forbidden for immigrants

While the Pope does not cease to care about all kinds of immigrants, in the prisons he erects, any kind of intrusion is strictly prohibited.

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To make sure that the formation of wild reserves is prevented, the Pope forbids any expansion of the prison (Article 3, paragraph 6): “The bishop (…) will take care not to allow the creation of new ones.”

This procedure is also similar to sterilization: it is forbidden to breed and perpetuate those savages of the past who must disappear.

This sterilization also concerns priests to be ordained in the future (Article 4): “Priests ordained after the publication of the present Motu order, who wish to celebrate with roman 1962, a formal request must be made to the diocesan bishop, who will consult with the Holy See before granting permission.”

As for priests who have already taken advantage of the permission, from now on they will need to renew their “celebration” permit, which is similar to a temporary visa (Article 5): “Priests who already celebrate in accordance with roman For the year 1962, they will ask the diocesan bishop for permission to continue maintaining this college.”

Therefore, if it comes to the containment, curtailment, or even destruction of these groups, the bishops have an absolute mandate, but if permission is necessary, the Pope does not trust them: you have to go through Rome.

While dozens of priests, often with the support of their bishops, ridiculed those praying for the Doctrine of the Faith by “blessing” gay couples with no Roman reaction except for the veiled approval of Francis through his letter to Father Martin, future priests will be closely watched. If they think of the celebration according to the liturgy of Saint Pius V.

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Evidently, it is easier to disguise your lack of power by terrorizing believers who will not resist, than to control the German division. As if there was nothing more urgent than to strike this part of the herd…

Freddie Dawson

"Beer specialist. Award-winning tv enthusiast. Bacon ninja. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Total social media junkie. Gamer. Amateur writer. Creator."

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