The option they’re evaluating to make the ship run aground …

New locomotives arrive for Ever GivenAnd the A ship that got stuck in the Suez CanalAnd the And assess the tonnage of the ship To facilitate the rescue mission. The container ship blocked the way to the other ships for five days, and the locomotives and bulldozers are working to solve the problem.

And Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi ordered, on the Egyptian Extra News channel, to prepare for the unloading of the ship’s cargo.

And according to what ANSA reported, There are around 18,300 containers in Evergiven. supposed to By reducing the weight of the ship, it would be possible for the water to reach the propellers and then could move with its own strengthThanks to the high tide.

The new locomotives arrived this Sunday To participate in the liberation work of the container ship: Charlemagne from Italy, and the Alps from the Netherlands.

Locomotives, Bernhard Schulte Ship Management, who runs Ever Geffen, explained, The ship is propelled while the dredgers continue to suck up the sand and mud deposited under the ship.

For these exercises Some optimism is added to the rising tide This is set to take place in the next few hours and that could aid the rescue effort.

Agence France-Presse said that the ship was surrounded by tugboats, which realized that the area was heavily guarded by the channel’s security, as well as by the army and police. Meanwhile, Around 300 ships await resolution of the dispute To be able to cross the channel, It passes 10 percent of international trade.

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Admiral Osama Rabie, head of the Egyptian Suez Canal Authority, said in a telephone conversation with an Egyptian television station, on Saturday evening, that the ship “moved 30 degrees to the right and the left” for the first time. “It’s a good sign,” he said.

Freddie Dawson

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