The New York Assembly is close to completing impeachment proceedings against Cuomo

The New York Assembly is about to complete the impeachment proceedings against Governor Andrew Cuomo (Image: Reuters)

The New York State Assembly said Thursday that About to finish investigating the assumptions Sexual harassment cases involving the governor, Andrew CuomoAnd And he will consider “soon” the provisions of the isolation measures.

This came in a statement by the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Charles Lavigne, who announced that Cuomo’s attorneys were given until August 13 to present arguments in his defense.

According to the note, “The commission’s investigation is coming to an end and the assembly will soon consider possible articles for ‘dismissal’.” Against the governor, who lost the support of fellow Democrats in the legislative chamber after the publication this week of a report from the attorney general’s office detailing cases of alleged harassment.

The New York Attorney General’s report, Letitia James, is the result of five months of investigation On various allegations of harassment against Cuomo, after interviewing 179 people and obtaining 74,000 evidence, including documents, emails, letters and photos.

The New York State Assembly said it is close to completing its investigation against Governor Andrew Cuomo (Image: Reuters)
The New York State Assembly said it is close to completing its investigation against Governor Andrew Cuomo (Image: Reuters)

James pointed it out The governor violated “state and federal laws” by “sexually harassing several women, Between 2013 and 2020, many of them were very young, with inappropriate touches, kisses, hugs and unwanted comments.

Cuomo has consistently denied the allegations and resisted the resignation Despite repeated pleas from many political figures, including the country’s president, Joe Biden.

The state assembly had already launched an investigation into Cuomo in March, which She has covered several scandals, including allegations of harassment and his management of nursing homes during the pandemic.

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The New York House of Representatives can green-light the impeachment process by a simple majority, That will be followed by impeachment in the state Senate, which is also controlled by Democrats.

If Cuomo is convicted in the process, He will have to step down and replace him with his number two, Kathy Hochhol.

There have been protests against the governor and in favor of his trial (PHOTO: EFE)
There have been protests against the governor and in favor of his trial (PHOTO: EFE)

Calls for the governor’s resignation have not stopped since Tuesday The attorney general’s office report was released, which left Cuomo without support from some of the groups that were more loyal to him.

Today, the mayor of the Big Apple, Fellow Democrat Bill de Blasio warned that Cuomo’s refusal to resign was “harming” New Yorkers.

“Someone who spends 11 hours testifying about sexual harassment and assault is not someone focused on fighting the coronavirus, getting federal help, or providing rental support to those who need it.”said de Blasio, who has had a strained relationship with Cuomo for years.

The mayor recommended the governor to step down and close his political career by “an act of dignity”, although he considered it unlikely that he would do so.

(With information from Efe)

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