The most hated brands in Colombia and America | companies | Business

the gate rave reviews Make an investigation to find out Most hated brands In different countries of the world.

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To achieve this, it took as a reference most of the most sought-after brands in google browser Then use the tool sensitive force, Through which he evaluated the amount of positive and negative comments about companies in the social network Twitter.

In the United States, for example, it was the brand that got the most negative reviews Uber by 48.35%. In Mexico it was Toyota (85.71%) And in Brazil, Red Bull (45.24%).

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Sony was most hated in Canada (49.09%), Chile (58.33%) and Argentina (55%). While Microsoft, YouTube and PayPal Peru (20%), Ecuador (14.29%) and Venezuela (38.10%) did poorly.

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And in Colombia? According to the survey, the least popular brand in general is BMW, Cars with a negative comment rate of 57.89%.

In the video game brands item, the worst brand in the country was Konami (50%). And in food, Starbucks was the most hated according to the survey (46.67%).

(If you want to see all the research, click here).


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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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