The First Lady met with Pope Francis | s …

Pope Francis meeting with the first lady From Argentina, Fabiola Yaniz And on default with Latin American First LadiesWho are part of the Alliance of Spouses of Heads of State and Representatives (ALMA), It was held at the Scholas Ocurrentes headquarters in Trastevere – Rome. Also Young people were invited from all over the world In person and others through our videoconferencing series.

To continue the commitment made in the previous papal visit to the Cholas Headquarters in the Vatican, in December 2019, and after the celebration of World Environment Day last June, representatives of the ALMA Alliance met again with Pope Francis to exchange his testimony. From working together over the past year.

In the presence of ALMA coordinator Fabiola Yaniz In virtual contact with First Ladies in Brazil, Chile, Honduras, Panama and the Dominican Republic, the official launch of the Latin American Youth Network for the Care of the Common Home took place.. This training program targeting youth will give them the tools and skills in social and environmental leadership to care for the environment. Using this network, they will identify the biggest challenges in the region and create impact initiatives to transform them.

As a first step, this program will have a meeting and educational activity in Misiones, Argentina, this coming September, where the first ladies will attend, along with some young people from each country.

Together, and in keeping with the initiative made by Father Jorge Bergoglio in the Plaza de Mayo in 2001, to carry the land to plant an olive tree, in a symbolic way, the First Ladies created a hole in the ground, so that creativity and solidarity could be possible. Reborn for a better world.

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Fabiola Yaniz expressed to Pope Francis: “Dear Holy Father, it is a great honor for me, it is a great honor for me, to be present here today on behalf of all my colleagues from Latin America and also this gesture that I go with to start, is a gesture that means that through creativity, from This rebirth movement, we can build union and solidarity and above all that all people in the world heal ourselves emotionally. First I ask for my country because it is something we need, we need to be united because as we have already said, no one survives alone.

Scholas’ principals thanked the worlds, José María del Corral and Enrique Palmero, First Ladies for the support that young people receive in their countries to develop meaningful education.

At the meeting, it was an opportunity for Cholas Ukrantes to open three new venues: Washington, USA; Valencia, Spain – where there were more than 1,500 young people gathered in a football stadium – and Sydney Australia, with this recent opening, presence on the five continents was complete.

There was also a private inauguration in Argentina, a venue located in the impenetrable Chaco. From there the governor of the province, Jorge Capitanich, accompanied the young people who would benefit.

At the end of the meeting Pope Francis addressed all present: “Thank you for taking the risk, because without it Scolas could not be, without this attitude of risk and moving forward. Only by taking risks can you live the reward and reach Sentido University’s third level, which is celebration. Thanks for the courage, the bravery and the road we have traveled, do not be afraid. Be afraid to stand still and petrify, keep going. Thank you for your daring to push the limits. ”

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Schools meeting It is an international organization of papal law present in 190 countries on the five continents Which through its network integrates half a million institutions and educational networks. Its mission is to respond to the call to create a culture of encounter that brings youth together in an education that generates meaning.

Freddie Dawson

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