The embarrassing moment that Celia Flores lived in the middle of Nicolas Maduro's house on the occasion of Labor Day

The wife of dictator Nicolas Maduro tried to downplay the moment by saying that she “was eating gum.”

During the event for labor day The so-called “first fighter” of Venezuela and the wife of the dictator Nicolas Maduro was broadcast on radio and television, Flores ciliaShe lived an embarrassing moment that did not go unnoticed by the cameras and the audience present at the venue.

While praising the economic policies implemented by the dictatorship which, in her opinion, were “designed to improve the social well-being of the Venezuelan people,” Flores had an incident with her dentures.

This uncomfortable incident captured everyone's attention when, in the middle of his speech, he had to suddenly stop and cover his mouth, to later explain, trying to downplay the moment, that he was “eating gum.” The statement sparked reactions among attendees and observers.

During her speech in which she exaggerated the increase in the “integrated minimum income” equivalent to $3.5 per month, announced by Maduro, Celia Flores wanted to send a “message of strength and unity” to the country’s workers.

During his speech he exaggerated the increase in the “Integrated Minimum Income” by an equivalent of $3.5 per monthMaduro announced that Celia Flores wanted to send a “message of strength and unity” to the country's workers who took to the streets on Wednesday to demand better wages.

We see, as always, the president doing his best, and we see how he always thinks about his own affairs.Flores stated.

Maduro, who was present at the ceremony, tried to downplay the situation by saying: “Selita bit herself because she was chewing gum.”Trying to bring humor and normalcy back to the situation.

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Despite the incident, Flores' speech resumed without further setbacks, with a focus on highlighting the “unity” between the regime and the Venezuelan people.

Maduro, who picked up the thread, emphasized his wife's idea by saying: “Right, we're one of you.”

The Chavez regime on Wednesday proposed creating a law creating Monthly contribution from entrepreneurss – calculated on the basis of their net income – and aims to improve the income of pensioners who receive about $3.5 at the official exchange rate.

The Democratic Unionist Party (PUD) considered the increase announced by the Caribbean dictatorship in income consisting of two bonuses that do not generate labor obligations “expensive” and “ridiculous.”

Meanwhile, Venezuela's main opposition coalition announced, Democratic Unionist Platform (PUD), the increase announced by the Caribbean dictatorship in income, consisting of two bonuses that do not generate labor obligations, was considered “expensive” and “ridiculous.”

Through X, the coalition expressed to workers its “firm commitment” to demanding fair wages and “Let us leave behind Nicolas Maduro's disastrous policy of increasingly impoverishing the Venezuelan family“, which “appeared” on Wednesday, with “the expensive announcement regarding salaries, which is a new mockery of the worker's pocket.”

On the other hand, the Union for Unity and Democracy party called on workers to organize so that political change can be “materialized” on July 28, when presidential elections will be held, which is “the main desire of the vast majority of the Venezuelan people.” The decisive step for the recovery of the country's economy and wages.

This Wednesday, hundreds of workers rallied in Caracas and several regions to demand, among other demands, a minimum wage equivalent to the cost of a basic food basket, higher than $550 a month for a family of five, according to independent estimates.

The Maduro regime's shock group attacked the workers' march in Caracas

According to a preliminary tally of the Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflict, 36 protests took place during the day in 22 out of 23 states in the country, where the main demand was “an increase in salaries, not bonuses.”

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Public sector workers and opposition leaders also rejected Maduro's announcements through messages on X.

Since March 2022, the minimum wage and pension have remained at 130 bolivars per month, which at the time at the official exchange rate was around $30, and today $3.5, meaning they have been reduced by 88% in value. Its equivalent in US currency, and is used as a reference to determine prices in Venezuela.

(With information from EFE)

Freddie Dawson

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