The Danish secret of happiness that you can take home

For the Danes, both are the word He will come Like all derivatives, they are part of your everyday vocabulary. It is almost an obsession. Healthy, yes. Well, actually, very healthy. And it has a lot to do with what happens Your country is the second happiest country in the world, According to him World Happiness Report (preceded by Finland).

What is haig?

He will come It doesn’t have a literal translation, but it will be something like a sense of luxury and absolute comfort. If we ask the Dane what he understands He will come, his interpretation will most likely tell us on a Sunday afternoon, snuggled up in front of the fireplace with sizzling hot chocolate. And yes, it has a lot to do with that, but also with it Create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that invites you to relax and let your worries escape, without disturbing those moments of calm and relaxation. You can also enjoy He will come When it’s winter it’s not just about finding happiness at home, but also comfort and moments with family or friends that invite you to relax.

How to incorporate hygge into your life

Hygge is very personal: while for the individual it is about finding moments to share with others, for others it can be done alone. In the same way, it is not about the weather either, although it is autumn and winter when this warm and cozy atmosphere in the house naturally occurs.

To find this secret to happiness, the key is to get started Find moments for yourself, take care of yourself and relax apart from daily obligations. Start by finding those Small moments of luxury for you. Yes, you can be efficient all day, but take some time to treat yourself and feel good.

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Another key to this particular movement is bFind moments to share with friends and family. Danes love to gather at home, whether it’s for a barbecue, to catch a movie, or to just have fun with friends. Now, don’t make it a party with all your friends. The important thing is creation Intimate meetings Where conversations don’t step on each other and everyone is involved.

Also, it is important Avoid conversations that can break this state of relaxation. So it is better to avoid controversial conversations or talk about politics. It is also important to talk about work, daily stress or rush. Another recommendation? During those moments when you’re looking for happiness pills, it’s best to disconnect from technology. So turn off your mobile phone, tablet or TV…

Remember to file He will come It’s about slowing down and enjoying the happiness hidden in the little things.

The hygge philosophy is also developed in the kitchen. If you have guests at home, let them help you make the menu. The best moments usually happen in this room, when we are at ease and enjoying the best company and good wine. And of course in the living room. Board game, games with the little ones … The key is to relax and enjoy the moment with those you love the most.

How do you practice the Hygge philosophy in your home?

In addition to everything we’ve already mentioned, you can adapt your home to these hygge moments, whether alone or in company.

  • Cozy corner: You have to find your place more hyggekrog (See below in the glossary box He will come). It could be the couch with some comfy cushions and a blanket, your favorite armchair with a footstool or even that little nook by the window in the kitchen or living room.
  • Bring back that old crockery or tea set From your grandmother and use it for your day or when your friends go home for coffee. also Bring back some family traditions. These so-called feelings hyggeligand they will help you maintain that connection with your past and awaken that sweet nostalgia.
  • Lighting, the key to environments He will come: If the home is the epicenter of the action He will comeLighting is essential to achieving this comfort. Danes put in many hours in it (and their days have fewer daylight hours than we have here), so this is where they create a laid-back vibe. Candles cannot be missing, yes, they must be natural, without fragrances. Instead of general light, to achieve ambiance He will come Several points of dim light should be placed (the lower the light temperature, the better).
  • the warmth of the fire: The vast majority of Danish homes have a fireplace or wood-burning stove. And not because they don’t have a heating system, but because they love the crackling of wood, the light of a fire, and above all, the warmth they give off. If you do not have a built-in fireplace at home, you can create a similar atmosphere with a bio ethanol fireplace that does not require installation.
  • Take care of textiles: he He will come Pampers all senses including touch. Choose soft and delicious textiles such as fur blankets, ribbed or braided fleece pillows, and knits or woolen fabrics. Although it never fails, prints are also allowed, like the usual checks or tartans that convey that feeling of a cabin in the mountains.
  • Create your own urban jungle: Although nature practically disappears in Denmark in winter under the blanket of snow, Danes need to be close to a touch of nature. That’s why at home you can’t miss green plants, lots of green plants!
  • Add warmth with wood: We include it in furniture, ornaments and all kinds of decor but in its purest state. Natural materials are great allies for creating the best interiors He will come.

Finally, don’t forget to acknowledge these moments He will come Very special. For example, an afternoon with your friends on your porch, relaxing and laughing is a moment He will come. And yes, she might have a thing Mindfulnessand based on slow lifeBut above all, it’s about enjoying those little moments of happiness and enjoying the here and now. And pay attention to them.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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