The conflict between Russia and Ukraine: negotiating the exit of grain | Macron asked Putin to lift the blockade of Odessa

French President Emmanuel Macron He announced this Tuesday that he proposed to his counterpart Russian President Vladimir Putin vote A United Nations resolution to lift the Russian blockade of the port of Odessa and enable the export of banned Ukrainian grain there. “I suggested, in the discussion we had with [el jefe de gobierno alemán] And Olaf Schultz, last Saturday, told President Putin that we took the initiative to pass a resolution at the United Nations to give a very clear framework for this process. ”

Russia is currently laying siege to the Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea, in particular Odessa, and around 20 million tons of grain stored in silos have been banned across the country. “The decision depends on an agreement from Russia and the guarantees it offers: in the face of demining.” [del puerto de Odesa, serán necesarias] Macron said the security guarantees provided to Ukrainians to prevent them from being attacked,” adding that the Ukrainian government needs “legitimate security guarantees, and it is the UN framework that will allow us to do that.” Macron highlighted Turkey’s “important role,” given its responsibility at sea. Black “and its contacts with Moscow.


Putin had informed his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan On Monday, Moscow said it was ready to work with Ankara to reopen shipping traffic blocked as a result of the conflict in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin emphasized Russia’s readiness to contribute to the unimpeded sea transit of goods in coordination with Turkish partners, and this also applies to grain exports from Ukrainian ports.The Kremlin said in a statement that the two leaders spoke by phone “to ensure the safety of navigation in the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov,” according to the Kremlin.

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Freddie Dawson

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