Test yourself with this new online Argentine geography game

A new one has appeared in the virtual space Argentine geography game online For fans of the subject, competitive people, people who want to learn new things or those who have a little free time on their hands and want to dedicate it to something fun.

The game’s name is “Departments/parties Argentina on mapIt tests how many of Argentina’s 377 departments and 134 parties an Internet user can name. Each time a subdivision is guessed, it is highlighted on the map.

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It is important to note that the game is from 2021, and it does not contain the parties and divisions that were set after that year. Furthermore, it does not include the municipalities of the City of Buenos Aires. Play with pressure here.

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the Departments And the Matches are, after the provinces, is the second form of territorial division in Argentina. And What’s the difference there? Between the two concepts?

The provinces of our country are mainly divided into departments, but state Buenos Aires Exceptional, where departments are called matches.

In addition to performing their main function – dividing regions and determining their boundaries – divisions are also used in some provinces Constituencies To determine the number of representatives that should go to provincial legislatures.

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How many parties, municipalities and departments are there in Argentina?

As of September 2020, there were 530 second division divisions in Argentina:

  • 380 apartments.
  • 135 matches.
  • 15 municipalities.
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The total number of departments includes the Department of the South Atlantic Islands (territory in dispute with the United Kingdom), the Department of Antarctica of Argentina (territory subject to the Antarctic Treaty) and the Department of Atlantico (located at sea). In the new Argentine geography game, you’ll be able to find them all.


Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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