Superman explains what the true origin of his powers is

Superman shows how his powers really work and are not from sunlight.

All he read Superman They thought they knew the source of Superman’s powers had shifted to an entirely different side. Explaining how he survived an impossible feat, The Iron Man It reveals an aspect that has not yet been taken into account, but that plays an important role in the performance of their abilities.

Superman shows how his powers really work and not from sunlight

In the comics Superman: Lost No. 2l Christopher Kahn And Carlo PagulayanClark Kent is still adjusting to a normal life Land after being lost in space for nearly twenty years. Superman finally comes clean with Lois About what happened after he traveled through the singular quantum properties. The hero is thrown into another part of the universe where he is saved from being lost in the void of space by a group of travelers. in all his adventures, Superman He had to face countless dangersbut none were as threatening as this.

The next Superman movie, Superman Legacy, is perhaps DC Studios' most anticipated production

The next Superman movie, Superman Legacy, is perhaps DC Studios’ most anticipated production

Travelers beware Clark Kent Since they don’t think it can survive something as cruel as the singularity, however Superman Tell them that Kryptonians have many biochemical reactions to gravity that are heightened when they are exposed to solar radiation. After telling her story, Clark is stranded on an alien planet. for not being able to pay the rescuers to bring him home. The planet has a completely different level of gravity, influence Superman To relearn their core strength.

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Any Superman fan will know it’s sunshine Land The one that allows him to fly, use his own heat vision and accomplish the hundreds of incredible feats he has been able to do all these years. For most of his superhero career, Clark’s powers It depends on the type of solar radiation you are exposed to. It’s a sun Land which allows him to obtain his unique abilities, while the weaker red radiation reduces him to a much more human level. powers Superman It even increased exponentially when exposed to blue or white sunlight.


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while Superman He explains that solar radiation plays an important role in the way his powers work, Clark Kent He hints that the true root of his abilities is the gravity he experiences. in the past, Clark He has described himself as a living battery that is constantly absorbing sunlight to fuel his powers. Now it looks like things have changed since then Clark He says that the gravity of the planet determines what he can do. While this is actually a slight change, it raises the question of how to do it Clarke’s powers can change with different gravity from Earth.

If powers Clark It depends on how your body reacts to the force of gravity, so it stands to reason that which world has a stronger or weaker force can directly affect your powers. Of course even Clark Kent He says they are ready to take over his abilities, including sunlight. This raises many questions about how it affects it gravitational force to his powers. There are many questions that arise with this new vision regarding Superman powers And what could it mean for the hero in the future.

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Readers can now see the extent of capabilities Clark Kent in Superman: Lost #2.

Lovell Loxley

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