Study projects shortage of medical specialists in Puerto Rico by 2030 and increasing complications

According to research, about half of the medical professionals currently working in Puerto Rico will retire by 2030.

The study indicates the medical specialties that witness the largest gap between current supply and expected demand in 2030, due to the aging population and chronic conditions. Gallery: Supplied. Image montage: Journal of Medicine and Public Health

Comprehensive analysis of access Specialists the doctors in Puerto Rico And its future implications for this year 2030 Alarming predictions revealed.

According to this analysis, conducted by FARO, LLC and commissioned by PIA, there is a significant shortfall of the doctors Specialists activities on the island, which may negatively impact the quality and accessibility of medical care.

The study is titled “Variable Modeling.” 2030 About access the doctors And the possible effects of health number of population Puerto Rico“, presents a multidimensional analysis of this complex phenomenon and its potential impact on the dynamics health And social in Puerto Rico In the next decade.

Projections and Results: Half of Puerto Rico's active medical professionals will retire by 2030

One of the main conclusions of the analysis is that for this year 2030the number of the doctors Specialists The assets will be well below the optimal level needed to meet the health care needs of the population.

This is mainly due to the expected number of withdrawals the doctors Specialists and to the limited capacity of medical training programs on the island.

The study also highlights that it is expected to be about half the doctors Specialists Currently active in Puerto Rico Retirement this year 2030This represents a major challenge to the availability of specialized medical care on the island.

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Implications of physician shortages on health quality in Puerto Rico

Furthermore, the current capacity of medical education training programs is insufficient to meet the growing demand for specialized medical care.

These findings have important implications for access to and quality of health care. health in Puerto Rico. The deficit is expected the doctors Specialists Assets delay the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, which can lead to increased medical complications, emergency room visits, and hospitalization rates.

Economic considerations of the specialist shortage in Puerto Rico by 2030

Furthermore, the analysis indicates that this demographic phenomenon can have negative economic consequences, including an increase in the cost of care per capita. healthLoss of productivity and problems in workforce availability.

In the face of these challenges, experts in Public Health A call for proactive and systematic action to address this situation, with the aim of ensuring order health Powerful and accessible to all residents Puerto Rico.

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