Strong criticism from a group of ex-presidents of the trial of Mauricio Macri

The IDEA (Democratic Initiative for Spain and the Americas) group made up of former presidents issued a statement this Thursday slammed to equip Mauricio Macri, a member of the organization, of course spying on the relatives of the ship’s crew ARA San Juan.

Among the signatories spoke Spanish Jose Maria AznarColombian Alvaro Uribe and Mexican Felipe Calderon, among other things.

The text calls into question “the decision taken by an alternate judge for the city of Dolores,” referring to Martin Bava, Who is the dictate processing The first of last December.

“Taking into account that an order for processing by an alternate judge is Happens after the stressful previous Who is the current president of Argentina? Alberto Fernandez, in the middle of the electoral debate Decree ordered to suspend the reservation obligation This binds the former president with regard to state secrets as we stated in our October 31 statement.”

Mauricio Macri with President Sebastian Pinera. In Chile, he learned about his trial.

and gives it an electoral context, by emphasizing that the judicial action was passed when “the political forces to which former ruler Macri now belongs.” subject to judicial persecution Defeat the supporters of the government democratically.

Former heads of state emphasized that “every citizen and Not just a former boss must enjoy fair trial guarantees and effective judicial protection; Rights that are always affected in cases Improper collusion between the heads of bodies of public authority and justice, especially when they mediate politically motivated rather than legitimate claims of damaged and justiciable rights.”

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On Monday, the former president’s lawyer, Pablo Lanos, appealed the judge’s decision.

The Appeals Chamber will be Mar del Plata who decides whether to support the charges against the former president or overturn the investigative judge’s decision. Macri’s defender confirmed that there 48 literal paragraphs Which is repeated in the call for investigation and prosecution.

“This is the case, due to the lack of an evidence-based decision – maintaining the appeal on the appeal that Clarin – the judge who reveals his biasThe lack of independence and harm to Mauricio Macri.”

IDEA full letter

Taking into account the decision made by an alternate judge in the city of Dolores, Argentina, ordering the trial of former President Mauricio Macri for “creating the conditions” for an alleged illegal espionage conduct during his tenure, for the sinking of the submarine ARA San Juan.

Bearing in mind that the order for prosecution by an alternate judge follows the burdensome precedent according to which the current Argentine President, Alberto Fernandez, in the middle of the electoral debate, ordered a decree suspending the obligation of reservation binding upon the former president regarding state secrets as we mentioned in our statement last October 31.

Considering that the aforementioned matter comes this time after the political forces to which the former ruler belongs. Macri is now subject to judicial persecution Defeat government supporters democratically.

We certify once again that every citizen, not just a former president, should enjoy due process guarantees and effective judicial protection; Rights are always affected in cases of unjustified collusion between the heads of organs of public power and justice, especially when they mediate with political motives rather than the legitimate claim of the aggrieved and justiciable rights.

We note the above, in addition, at a time when various Argentine and Brazilian jurists handed the matter over to Pope Francisco A report in which they denounced the practice of wage law (legal wars), as “one of the greatest dangers to democracy in the world”. They confirm that it has been used Against former South American presidents casually allied with President Fernandezas a form of “increasing criminalization of social movements,” according to the complainants.

We therefore insist, with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, that the essential thing to bear in mind is “that the separation of powers is closely related, not only to the consolidation of the democratic system, but also to the preservation of the freedoms and human rights of citizens.”

In addition to the aforementioned previous presidents, the letter was signed by Nicholas Ardito Barletta (Panama), Rafael Angel Calderon (Costa Rica), Alfredo Cristiani (savior), Vicente Fox (Mexico), Federico Franco (Paraguay), Eduardo Frey (Chile), Lucio Gutierrez (Ecuador), Osvaldo Hurtado (Ecuador), Luis Alberto Lacal (Uruguay), Jamil Mouawad (Ecuador), Carlos Mesa (Bolivia), Mireya Moscoso (Panama), Andres Pastrana (Colombia), Ernesto Pérez Baladares (Panama), Jorge Toto Quiroga (Bolivia), Julio Maria Sanguinetti (Uruguay), Luis Guillermo Solís (Costa Rica) and Juan Carlos Wasmusi (Paraguay).

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Freddie Dawson

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