Canada and Russia diversify Dominican Republic tourists in pandemic

The nationalities of tourists visiting the Dominican Republic during the current pandemic are different from what they were a year ago. When the United States monopolized 70%, it has now fallen to 39%, those coming from Russia opened up with 11%, and from Canada at 10%.

The difference in nationalities is given by the abolition of movement restrictions put in place by the countries that send tourists.

Canada lifted the measures on July 5. That month alone, 5,165 Canadians came on vacation, and in November they increased to 45,533. This country once again placed itself among the three main countries that emit tourists to the Dominican Republic. But it still needs to surpass 2019 numbers. In November of that year alone, 68,442 Canadians arrived by air.

Data on tourist flows up to November 2021, shared by the Tourism Ministry, highlights that after Russia removed restrictions last August, 6,818 Russians arrived in that month alone and 47,440 in November.

Germany got rid of them last April and also saw sustained growth, allowing 22,683 Germans to arrive in November. The United Kingdom, which lifted the measures last October, sent 3,601 tourists to the Dominican Republic the following month.

The Ministry of Tourism is proud of a 73% rebound of tourists when comparing January-November 2019 to 2021, the period in which 4.2 million non-resident travelers arrived by air in the country. In November alone, $575 million in foreign currency was raised through these visits, the government reports.

The President of the Dominican-Canadian Chamber of Commerce (Canchamard), Gustavo de Hostos, recently predicted that by 2022 there will be greater dynamism in trade relations between Canada and the Dominican Republic due to the increase in the number of Canadian tourists and a future visit of the business mission of Creole businessmen.

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How long do they stay?

More than half of the tourists arriving in the Dominican Republic in November were between the ages of 21 and 29, and 51% were women.

When a tourist visits it, they stay an average of nine nights. And 73% are staying in hotels, the second in private properties and the third in rentals via the Airbnb platform.

The Ministry of Tourism reports that 85% of tourists entering the country are vaccinated against COVID-19.


Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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