Stephen Hawking's ominous prediction: How much time does Earth have left?

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Stephen Hawkingrecognized worldwide for Research on black holes and the theory of relativityHe also made a series of predictions about the future of the planet and humans.

He died in March 2018and before we are certain, among various scenarios, that humanity will be responsible for Earth's self-destruction.

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When will Earth be destroyed?

What will the end of the Earth be like according to Hawking?

As he said this It will happen in 600 years. According to the best-selling author A brief history of timeThe disaster will be due to overpopulation Increasing demand for energy.

“For the year 2600“The world’s population will stand together, and electricity consumption will make the Earth shine red,” he said in 2017, while participating in the conference. Tencent Wei SummitWhich was held in Beijing, China. This is an annual forum where scholars and professionals come together Exchange ideas about science and technology.

“The number of people on this planet has doubled every 40 years, and the Earth can only support so much. This massive growth It cannot continue into the next millennium“, explained at the time the scientist who was diagnosed Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis at 21 years old.

This means, according to the astrophysicist, that overpopulation could cause a Such an energy consumption the planet will start to burn like a fireball.

The British, who communicated through a cheek muscle connected to a sensor and a computerized audio system, emphasized that in order to save itself, humanity must follow the example of the TV series. Star Trek And “Throw yourself in courage Where no one has gone before With advanced technology to travel at the speed of light.”

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Hawking's warnings

In July of that year, a few months before the conference was held in China, Hawking had already made the announcement in a documentary he produced. BBCnamed Stephen Hawking: New Earth Missionthat humanity was in “turning point” Where global warming will be so severe that the Earth'sYou will become like Venus“With a temperature of 250 degrees and rain of sulfuric acid.”

Venus is the second closest planet to the sun, and in the opinion of scientists, There is no possibility of life there. Hawking also predicted in the program that humanity's natural ambition would prevent global warming from being adequately addressed, so the best option would be to abandon Earth altogether.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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