Starlink, SpaceX’s satellite internet, does not allow torrent downloads

One day, a Reddit user decided to quickly download a movie. The downloaded movie was The Big Short, which was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture in 2016, and won an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. Downloaded using network SpaceX Satellite Internet, but no matter what to do United State It is very dangerous.

Starlink does not allow pirated torrent downloads

and that is Starlink sent him an email stating that they have received rights holder claim Allegation that a Starlink user used his connection to download a movie for him without having the right to do so. Thus, the Company is required to convey to the User the notice of copyright infringement.

Interestingly, this is not the only problem, as Starlink appears to, in his fair use policy-Details that it is forbidden to download content without obtaining a license or the right to do so. So, they insist on it Do not download protected content without a licenseOtherwise, you may receive a temporary suspension or Terminate the contract With Starlink, even risking suffering Legal repercussions by the content owner.

Another user started Download torrents without using a VPN To see what will happen, receive the same notification as the previous user, where we can see Download torrent with starlink prohibited. Depending on the torrent, some of them are not monitored, while in others there are constantly suspended companies New IP which may appear to collect them and report them to the operators so that they notify users.

Will they do the same in Spain?

employment SpainThe situation might be a little different. Starlink already has two companies registered in our country, and these two companies will contact CNMC in order to start providing services to users. Thus, Spanish law does not obligate the operator to notify the user if he commits copyright infringements, unlike in the United States, as we have seen. Therefore, it is likely that there will be no problem using Starlink in Spain despite using The same satellite network It is used in countries such as the United States.

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In contrast, the company can simply Transfer their American policy to our country. This is in their own interest, because users Satellites will not be saturated with traffic, since torrenting is usually one of the most consuming operations that can be made on the Internet, with constant loading of content.

Despite this, it is best to protect yourself to avoid receiving these types of messages. To hide our identity on the network, it is better to use a VPN, because thanks to this, the torrent network sees a different IP from ours, and we will not receive a prompt. It is important that a good VPN does not filter the real IP in case a third party requests it. It is also possible to use a seedbox or resort to streaming content. The seedbox themselves usually offer this option for viewing streaming content.

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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