Square Enix is ​​making a profit despite a year of ups and downs in the video game department

The FF7 Remake made up for the commercial success of Marvel’s Avengers launch.

Square Enix I published the financial report for the last fiscal quarter, and there was some curiosity given that the Japanese company witnessed two consecutive quarters of losses, especially due to the launch of Marvel’s Avengers. Now, the company is starting to take off with annual growth that balances months of negative records. The data belongs to The period between April 1 and December 31, 2020.

With its fiscal year 2020 inventory, which began April 1, 2020, for the past nine months, Square Enix is ​​indicating an increase in net sales. It is up to 33.7% compared to the same period of the previous year. They have also increased the company’s operating income to a number More than 41 billion yen, An increase of about 50%. While it is true that this good data kept the company healthy, total profits were 4 points lower than the previous year. However, they are optimistic about Square and in their forecasts indicate that it will be a more profitable year when its fiscal period ends.

Square Enix plans to end the fiscal year with positive resultsGood part of that Positive balance Final Fantasy 7 Remake, one of the most anticipated games in recent years, has been launched by Square Enix and has doubled its net sales of the company’s best-earning period in 2019, with a total of 34.1 billion yen. A fact that contrasts with the next two quarters, where a net loss of 18.8 billion yen was recorded during the semester mentioned in the video games section; A fact linked to Marvel’s Avengers launch And the The divergence of opinions it generated. The health crisis also had a lot to do with it, as it does in nearly all studies.

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The future of Square Enix

Lack of knowledge How Square Enix’s fiscal year ends Despite the ups and downs in the video games section, the Japanese company is already looking to the future with many projects, many of which come from games that the public has been waiting for so much. In sight Symmetric yoke. Because it appears that Final Fantasy XVI The Athena Project They may not enter the next fiscal year for the Japanese giant.

More about: Square Enix.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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