Spain, Ireland and Norway make history by recognizing Palestine as a state The move shows the division in Europe over the conflict in Gaza

On Wednesday, Spain, Ireland and Norway announced their decision to recognize Palestine as a state at the end of this monthIt is a move that shows the division in the European Union The temperature is rising ahead of the European Parliament elections. It is possible that the elections, which will be held from June 6 to 9, will be strengthened – The growing influence of far-right partiesTherefore, some traditional political forces have already begun to open the door to specific alliances with some of these movements.

Support the two-state solution

Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro SanchezHe declared to Congress that it took a lot of time and effort for the 27 EU member states to demand a “ceasefire in Gaza” and reaffirm their “support for the two-state solution,” Israeli and Palestinian. , but “We must be honest and realize that this is not enough.”. Sanchez, who negotiated for several months with other European capitals to take this step, announced that Spain would recognize the Palestinian state on May 28 and stressed that The “pain and a lot of destruction” policy pursued by the Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu It puts the two-state solution at risk.

Prime Minister of Ireland, centre-right Simon HarrisHe said that Israel “doesn't lose anything” by recognizing Palestine It rejected that this path would encourage terrorism, as Tel Aviv asserts. For his part, the Norwegian Prime Minister confirmed the work Jonas Jar StoreHe also gave May 28 as the date for recognition and noted: “There can be no peace in the Middle East without Israel and Palestine having their own state.“It is the only real solution to the conflict.”

Spain, Ireland and Norway hope other European countries will emulate it. In March, the leaders of Slovenia and Malta signed a joint statement in Brussels with Madrid and Dublin, in which they expressed their desire to take the same step. So far Swedenwho had this gesture in 2014, It was the only country to recognize Palestine as a state during its membership in the European Union.. The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus have done so, but before joining the bloc.

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The issue of a Palestinian state, recognized by 142 of the 193 member states of the United Nations according to the Palestinian Authority, divides the waters of the European Union. French Foreign Minister Stephane Ségourny said recognizing Palestine was “not taboo for France” but that it was not the right time to do so. Germany, which also advocates a two-state solution, believes that recognition of Palestine must be the result of direct negotiations between the two sides of the conflict.

Maria Victoria AlvarezJean Monnet Chair Professor at the National University of Rosario admitted that the European Parliament, which will hold its elections in two weeks, always has foreign relations issues on its agenda. “Although it does not legislate because that is the responsibility of member states, the European Parliament does issue statements relating to different issues happening in the world. Parliament always tries to have a position on what is happening in the worldIt's part of your agenda, Especially in human rights issuesAlvarez explained.

For the Deputy Ambassador of the European Union to Argentina, They were survivorsThe main thing in the next five years (which will continue during the mandate of the new European Parliament) will be “European military defence, outside the NATO umbrella.” However, Nagan explained, “Europe is almost as big as Argentina, and it cannot allow itself to turn inward,” so “if there is still a globalized world, In Europe, we must play an active role as a global geopolitical playerAlvarez and Nagan participated in a meeting with journalists, where Page 12, At the European Union Delegation in Argentina located in the Retiro neighborhood of Buenos Aires.

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The far right is advancing in Europe

The expected rise of the extreme right in the upcoming European elections opens the question of the extent of their real influence in the next legislative council, which will depend on the strength of the alliances they can build after the elections. The far right is divided into two blocs in the European ParliamentThat's from European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) And this is from Identity and democracy (identity): In the first they are Spanish Fox; Brothers of Italy by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni; Or Polish Law and Justice) and in the second Marine Le Pen's National Group is active; Dori Matteo Salvini; The Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Euractiv's latest “Europe elects” forecast gives both groups 83 MPs, a growth compared to the 73 MPs added by ID in the 2019 elections and the 62 for the European Council of the Reformists: they would be the fourth and fifth forces, on the border of the 85 seats expected for the Liberals in the Renew Europe Party, which has declined It has 108 seats in 2019 but will retain third place. One possible block of the The far right, which will get 166 seats, will remain close to the majority group, the Popular Party, which will now reach 182 seats and surpass the usual runner-up, the Social Democrats, which will reach 134 seats.

Opinion polls indicate a decline in traditional parties, in addition to a high abstention rate that ranged between 40 and 50 percent in the last elections. about this subject Aitor Hernandez Morales“What we call late capitalism is not working,” the Politico journalist said. “When we talk about quality of life, things are terrible.” There is a massive housing crisis across Europe, inflation has affected it a lot, and then there are strategic sectors In declineFor Hernandez Morales, these are European citizens “running towards the more populist parties because the traditional parties have not yet offered solutions.”

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But all is not rosy on the far right. The Alternative for Germany party banned its main candidate for the European elections, Maximilian Krah, from attending campaign events on Wednesday.After some controversial statements about the Nazi SS. Karah confirmed this to the Italian newspaper Republic Which Member of the Nazi paramilitary organization SS 'not automatically a criminal'. This has prompted Le Pen's far-right in France, the Matteo Salvini League, to announce that the group will not participate with their German allies in the European Parliament.

Powers of Parliament

European Parliament It is the only institution in the European Union whose members are directly elected by citizens, by universal and secret vote. Once formed, legislative The Presidency of the European Commission and the European Commissioners are elected by absolute majority. Its primary function is to discuss and vote on draft laws sent by the Commission, the institution it controls. In September 2023, the number of seats increased from 705 to 720 for the next legislative session (2024-2029). The reason was demographic changes in the European Union since the 2019 elections.

Among the key aspects to take into account in the upcoming elections, María Victoria Alvarez lists “the results by country, which may or may not be in favor of the ruling government; the results of alternative political forces; and possible coalitions and alliances within the country.” Parliament and candidates for the presidency of the European Commission”, which today is held by the influential Ursula von der Leyen, who will stand for re-election.

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