Spain: A law regulating influencers comes into effect

kingdom Spain will put Audiovisual communication law For any of them Organize Create content for Users are considered Influencers.

The new legislation seeks to regulate advertising content Which every creator offers in Streams, Instagram reels, TikTok or YouTube videos, To give some examples.

As content creation increased for networks around the world, its rise and importance made brands start approaching creators, who were later baptized Influencers. Shepherds They rent the Services of this kind special for people, To generate or publish Ad content Their brandsEither in Argentina or Anywhere in the world.

Privacy is that Spain I decided that those who benefit from this type of advertising – sometimes covert, sometimes overt – Now they have to adhere to the same legal guidelines as television in the Iberian state.

How Spain regulates influencer advertising

Government of Spain First define what it means to be an “influencer” or “broadcaster”conditions for that It is not legally defined. The Spanish Audiovisual Communications Law now stipulates in Article 94 These are “particularly relevant users who use video sharing services through the platform,” noted Genbeta, a geek culture media outlet.

According to the aforementioned publication, the article of the law includes “both matters Influencers, influencers, YouTubers, Instagrammers, or creative people in general on platforms like Twitch.”

Within this definition, Spanish legislators have developed a different definition Requirements to be considered influential According to the approved law:

  • The service provided involves economic activity The owner gets some of it Big income Derived from its activity in cross-platform video sharing services.
  • The user of particular interest is the editorial person responsible for the audiovisual content. And make it available to the public at their service.
  • the service Borrowed, borrowed an average A big part of the public It can have a clear effect on him.
  • Function From the service It is to inform, entertain or educate The main goal of the service is to distribute audiovisual content.
  • The service is provided through electronic communications networks It is established in Spain in accordance with Section 2 of Article 3.
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The Genbeta article states that the cut is intended to identify people affected by the new legislation It will depend on the income generated by economic activity As content creators. Specifically, the media says: “We're talking about these things Income must be greater than 500 thousand eurosbeing exclusive to activity on its platforms (including advertising), She has more than 2 million followers On average they produced at least 24 videos.”

These requirements make those covered by the law The cream of the world's influential cream. According to data from LaPS4, a Spanish-language video game magazine, “In Spain you can find… 12,000 influencers with more than 100,000 followers, but only 1,100 with more than 1 million followers Of followers. “If we talk about two million followers, the number is much lower.”

Freddie Dawson

"Beer specialist. Award-winning tv enthusiast. Bacon ninja. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Total social media junkie. Gamer. Amateur writer. Creator."

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