A mother got tired of yelling at her kids to come down to eat, so she invented a system that has gone viral

The video spread on social media. (tik tok)

Shelley Walker, mother of three in Essex, EnglandHe left behind days of screaming and endless calls to contact his children at home. dinner. Tired of being constantly ignored, this woman got her act together, decided to take action, and changed the dining experience in her home.

After trying the creative solution, Walker bought it Three bellseach £11 and They are strategically installed in rooms From their children. Toby, nine, Jackson, seven, and Charlie, five, now respond quickly to the sound, which is reminiscent of the ancient tradition of announcing food with bells.

Walker, 43, a mortgage broker, shared her story after the clever trick proved successful in her home. The mother explained how the simple sound of “ding dong”, accompanied by a flashing light in her children's rooms, revolutionized the family dynamic.

An innovative mother changes dinner time with a trick for her children. (Credit: Kennedy)

“I was tired of being yelled at upstairs and ignored, and after installing the doorbells,” Walker said. I no longer have to scream at home, and the best thing is that my kids get excited when I use the system“.

The mother of three shared a video on TikTok, and to her surprise, the video has received more than 1.2 million views and 6,000 likes. Walker's innovative solution has received praise from users around the world who praised its creativity and effectiveness.

The idea arose during celebrations Christmas When Walker realized his dinner calls weren't working. “I thought this wasn't good and there had to be a better way, and that's when I found doorbells.”

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Since installing it at home, he claims the atmosphere in his home has changed, with less anger and more harmony during dinner time. Encouraged by the success of her ingenious trick, the mother of three recommends this solution to other parents who may be facing similar challenges.

Freddie Dawson

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