Silent Hill returns: Konami makes it official by announcing a website that has already revealed date and time – Silent Hill

No one expected the unimaginable to be announced on Sunday night. It is true that they have some clues Which hinted that something might be announced soon, like The latest ranking of Silent Hill in South Korea. it’s a Spread rumors About a potential ad, it turns out we have it here.

Next Wednesday, October 19th, at 11:00 PM Spanish time, we’ll see what’s new that Konami has prepared for us through the Silent Hill saga.

The Silent Hill Saga come back in style. He was his Konami is the one who announced return in Silent Hill Twitter official account Pointing out that they opened a file website Who have already revealed the date and time to show all they have to teach the public. Next Wednesday, October 19, at 11:00 pm Spanish time We’ll see what new Konami has prepared for us with the Silent Hill franchise. Below is the tweet.

This was announced by the official account: “The SILENT HILL’S EPIC LATEST UPDATES It will be announced during the broadcast #the silent Hill On Wednesday, October 19 at 2:00 pm. It is worth noting that If we go to the site and choose the European areathe timeline shown to us is the one that is dealt with in both Spain and Central Europe.

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About Silent Hill Location

This is an image from the Silent Hill website, but if we go further down from there it will appear Division who tells usSILENT HILL . series‘, which shows us all epic titles as a file. Konami reminds us that there are total 10 titles in the franchiseEverything indicates that they will not stay there. Below you have a picture of how the website looks.

Silent Hill games

These are the games that also appear on the Silent Hill website.

Silent Hill: The Short Message is classified in South Korea

There was already some Big leaks They looked very successful. slither it Bloober teamcreative average and the Layers of epic fearAnd the were in cooperation to develop new games. On the other hand, the last we heard is that the South Korean video game rating authority I registered a few weeks ago Silent Hill: SMS In its database as a new address, without specifying further details.

the silent Hill

Listed publisher was UNIANA, which regularly publishes Konami games in Korea. It must be remembered that he was The Japanese company that revamped the Silent Hill brand, something that fueled the rumors months ago. There was also some alleged Pictures from a project called Short StoriesAnd the Other than the SMS.

Lovell Loxley

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