Series and movies premiering on Netflix, Prime Video, and Disney Plus from April 27-30

This week is the last week of April, which means that by the beginning of May, we will have a large number of premieres andBetween the last days of April and the first days of May, On platforms flow.

It is among the most relevant firsts Nomad, Winner of the award for Best Actress, Best Director, and Best Director in the same manner she arrived Disney Plus The last day of the month.

Next we leave you with the list of series and movies that they come from April 27-30 for Netflix, Prime Video, and Disney Plus.


a series

Innocents (4/30/2021)

Star Pets (4/30/2021)


The Emergence of Things (4/29/2021)

Fatal Doubt (29/4/2021)

Documentaries and specials

The Headspace Guide to Good Sleep (4/28/2021)

Children and family

The Mitchell family vs. Machinery (4/30/2021)

Tut Tut Cory Blidos: Season 4 (27/4/2021)

Prime Video

Abominable ‘(4/30/2021)

No Regrets From Tom Clancy (4/30/2021)

Disney Plus

Advent Day (4/30/2021)

Nomadland (30/4/2021)

You are the worst (4/30/2021)

The Chinese press ignores the historical scarred of Chloe Zhao as the best director

The Chinese government press today ignored the scar of Chinese Americans Chow Chow As the best director “Bedouin land”, It is the first time that an Asian woman has won an award in that category.

Just the newspaper Global Times He posted a message on the social network Twitter announcing the award, and an opening text in which he reduced the Chinese audience’s interest in the movie and wagered on Zhao’s role as a mediator between The United States and China, Although he claimed “greater maturity.”

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That newspaper blamed the domestic controversy about Zhao on statements he made in 2013 in which the director said China was so. “A place where there are lies everywhere.”Words that fell short of the Chinese nationalists.

Yesterday, on the popular social network Weibo (which is the Chinese equivalent of Twitter), search results for “Nomadland” or “Chlo Zhao” in Chinese did not appear, and many press article links in the popular search engine Baidu articles were removed from the platforms.

Many Chinese moviegoers have shown their aversion to network censorship, and taken it as such De Zhao’s historic scar can help mend the damaged relations between Beijing and Washington.

Hong Kong press echoed the award, despite the fact that for the first time in 50 years, the ceremony was not broadcast live even in the semi-autonomous region by decision of the authorities, according to the South China Morning Post.

With information from EFE


Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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