Sergio Rodriguez, a successful engineer in the United States

An example of a brilliant young man with initiative. Sergio Rodríguez Alvarez has changed his quiet hometown, Torres de Albanches, due to the hustle and bustle of Miami (USA), the mountainous land bordering Albacete into a tropical area. For a few months, a new stage began, settling in the city of Atlanta, the capital of Georgia.

How did Torino, who is only twenty-three years old, achieve all this? He tells that, even when he was seventeen, when he was facing the final stage of his first year of baccalaureate at Maristas de Geant, he looked for scholarships to study abroad. Thus, he got the opportunity to train at the Embry-Riddle Aviation University, located in the city of Daytona. There he finished his degree in aeronautical engineering, a highly developed discipline, due to its proximity to Cape Canaveral. Rodríguez points out that he has already taken a few trips with his family, due to the culture shock which was not so great. On campus he met people from multiple countries, such as Taiwan, France or Argentina.

“Studying in the United States gave me tremendous cultural growth,” he highlights. In this sense, it indicates that the American system is so competitive that foreigners do not enjoy it easily, and they need experience and participation. Among these six years, he was in North America, always in parentheses, before he finished his studies, where he had the opportunity to do an internship with Airbus in the UK. This made it easier for him to join the German multinational Porsche, where he started with a kind of scholarship for consulting work. In this way, he ascended the positions, and then moved to Georgia. His work is not related to cars, but to advise from the aviation department of various important companies.

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From the United States, her character is attested as a cultural melting pot. In fact, there are people from multiple countries, with whom he often sympathizes and sympathizes. Among the Native Americans, it is clear that they are usually business people. There is significant economic dynamism that translates into opportunities for personal and professional growth. Living in America makes me mature and aware of reality. “I give more importance to the little things, like going out for a beer, or taking a walk in the country, which is totally a luxury,” says the flight engineer.

Florida is distinguished by its economic status and many attractions. It has a tropical climate with high humidity. The temperatures are not usually extreme, so the cold is practically unknown, as well as the stifling heat. The situation varies, depending on the time of year, between spring and summer. From Atlanta, where it was for a short time, highlights that its climate is more similar to Europe, with four seasons. It is a city known for hosting the 1996 Olympic Games. Located in the eastern interior of the United States, it is a place that was founded in the 19th century with an incredible offering in terms of sports, performances, and other cultural events, as well as offering significant economic growth. In fact, these opportunities for business and development are a huge attraction.

Amber Cross

"Music buff. Unapologetic problem solver. Organizer. Social media maven. Web nerd. Incurable reader."

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