Sergio Massa Gabriel Rubinstein confirmed as Deputy Minister of Economy

Minister of Economy Serge MassaThis afternoon confirmed that Gabriel Rubinstein It will be your deputy minister. He did this through social networks. The economist has been dismissed by Kirchnerism, at least in private, due to tweets and criticism of the current government and Above all, Vice President Christina Kirchner.

Massa attributed the delay in the appointment to official procedures and Rubinstein’s personal problems. Thanks to the new Secretary of Economic Programming Masa He pointed to the government’s “broadness” in accepting it in its ranks, despite his critical views. He apologized for his “aggravating” questions.

as posted NationRubinstein was a director of the central bank and until now he was president of the consulting firm GRA (Gabriel Rubinstein y Asociados) and when he analyzed Sergio Massa’s landing in the Cabinet, he stated that a “disorderly adjustment” was taking place in the country. He also said that the agreement with the International Monetary Fund was “the only economic program that can be glimpsed”.

The Appointments have been taken and criticize Rubinstein Formalization of office. With this appointment, Massa completes the team and leaves a little more force toward the interior of the Front of All. It is assumed that Christina Kirchner terminated the approval of Rubinstein’s entry into the Cabinet.

is that the economist used harsh networks and public statements against vice and kirchnerism, and those positions appeared when Massa announced upon taking office that he wanted him as secretary of economic programming.

On Twitter, the economist not only questioned the policies implemented by Cristina Kirchner during her presidency, but also questioned the direction of the Alberto Fernandez administration. In fact, he has retweeted questions to the government from ardent opponents of the ruling party, such as Patricia Bullrich (Pro), Jose Luis Espert (Avanza Libertad) or liberal economist Diana Mondino.

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Rubinstein recently gave an interview to LN+ in which he made a critical appraisal of the current economy. “Reviews have to be done because there are things that will become obsolete. In any case, the program with the IMF seems to be the only economic program one can glimpse. It is a plan with a certain degree of consistency that allows inflation not to come out,” Rubinstein said months ago. completely out of control, because there is a path to reducing the deficit and reducing the monetary problem.”

Massa confirmed the appointment of Gabriel Rubinstein as deputy minister

To the extent that (the program with the IMF) is implemented, it will allow us to prevent highly disruptive and harmful initiatives by Kirchnerism, And the government makes it their own. It’s a brake on something that could be much worse. The agreement validates the prevailing mediocrity and avoids the worst-case scenario, Not only because of the default itself, but because of the declining deficit and other issues, one might think that there will be no collapse in the Argentine economy.”

Freddie Dawson

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