Science says: Handwriting connects different parts of the brain and benefits learning Health and wellness

Although the use of the keyboard for teaching typing is already integrated into practically everyone, hand-writing ideas is far from behind. Namely, various studies support that experience Moving the pen across the paper stimulates more areas of the brain compared to writing on a keyboardThat enriches memory by engaging the senses and emotions.

This was confirmed by a group of researchers led by a neuroscientist Audrey van der Meer, Who, using a system of electrodes, measured the brain activity of children and teens, both at the moments they were taking notes by hand and when they were typing on the keyboard.

The results, published in Frontiers in Psychology, showed this There was greater brain activity during handwriting, due to the coordinated interaction of the motor, visual, and cognitive areas.

“Many senses are activated by pressing the pencil to the paper, seeing the letters you write and listening to the voice they make while writing. These sensory experiences create connections between different parts of the brain and open the brain to learning.”

In fact, handwriting allows learning to be reformed in a richer and more continuous way. It was proven Ann Mangen, Associate professor at the University of Stavanger (Norway), who conducted an experiment in which two groups of adults were asked to memorize 20 letters of an alphabet unknown to them.

One group practices handwriting only, while the other practices using only the keyboard. After six weeks, those who wrote by hand responded better to the tests, showing that they activated the area of ​​the brain responsible for language, known as Broca’s area.

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“When we write by hand, our brain receives reactions From our motor actions and our perceptual actions when touching pencil and paper. In the study published in Science Daily, Mangen said this experience is completely different for those who play keys on a keyboard.

Today, handwriting has the most diverse uses. For example, there is remedial writing, where people use a notebook to express and understand their feelings.

Known as “Journaling,” users track their daily lives using pens of different colors or patterns – such as the Sharpie Roller or Sharpie S-Gell – to express different emotions or highlight items related to them.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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