Russia says it will attack targets inside the UK if British weapons are used to attack its territory

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova announced on Thursday that Moscow will respond with strikes on British targets if Ukraine uses British weapons to attack Russian territory. Zakharova indicated that these attacks could target British targets inside Ukraine and outside its borders.

This statement repeats the warning issued by Moscow earlier this month, after British Foreign Secretary David Cameron confirmed that Ukraine has the right to use weapons supplied by London to attack targets in Russia. Russia responded with indignation to these statements, citing them as one of the reasons for holding simulated tactical nuclear missile launch exercises this month.

Zakharova's comments reflect a significant escalation in rhetoric between Russia and the UK, highlighting the growing risk that the conflict in Ukraine could spread beyond its current borders.

If Russia carries out attacks against British targets, whether in Ukraine or elsewhere, this could trigger a direct military response from the UK and potentially other NATO allies, raising the risk of a wider international conflict.

Moreover, the fact that Russia cited Cameron's statements as justification for conducting tactical nuclear missile simulation exercises underscores the seriousness of the situation and Russia's willingness to use nuclear threats as part of its deterrence strategy. This could lead to greater tension and increased military preparedness on the part of both Russia and NATO countries, increasing the risk of miscalculation and accidental confrontations.

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fountain: Reuters

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Sacha Woodward

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