A woman broke down on air saying she lost her job and had to go out and sell on the street

The harsh story of a woman who went out for sale on the street because she did not work and collapsed on air: “It is very difficult for everyone” (Photo: TN Capture)

With a lot of coat and a bag full of goods, Ursula goes out every day For sale in the area lines Because he was left without a stable job and had to support a large family.

“I am a widow, I receive benefits, and I live with my retired mother. Thanks to the little I can gain We're trying it out moving forward “A family of five,” the woman said into her cell phone. Our time (Tennessee).

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The woman sells artistic makeup and Self-adhesive glitter For the face or cell phone, the product that became widespread among singer Emilia Mernis and became a trend among teenagers and young people. As detailed, iron has many applications $1400.

In this sense, he explained: “I don't have a permanent job, but I sell on the street. When they are sold out the most is when there are concerts. I'm close to Phillies Stadium, so I'm taking advantage “I make some money there.”.

The woman sells self-adhesive glitter on the street, a popular trend among teens and young adults. (Photo: Tennessee)

Sometimes her eldest daughter, Nahiara, accompanies her, but her two younger children usually go with her on trips: “I know how difficult it is to be on the street.”

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“I notice that sales are declining for everyone, even for people with businesses across the board. “It's very difficult for everyone.”he expressed and collapsed live.

Closing the message crying over her difficult situation, Ursula gave her Instagram username so she could contact her (@nahiarag15).

Three jobs to make ends meet: “You have to do a little bit of everything”

Minutes ago, and on the air as well TennesseeA woman said that He works three jobs to make ends meet. “We will get there as best we can,” he stressed.

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“I work a little bit at everything: In the morning on the school bus with the kids, in the afternoon I sell clothes and on weekends I sell food. “I have to have many jobs, and a little bit of everything, so I can make ends meet,” the woman from Caseros said.

He added: “I am not twenty years old, I have missed the opportunity. If I have hope? Neither one nor the other. The truth is that now we have to wait.”

Freddie Dawson

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