Rural residents in the southern region receive medical assistance and vaccination against COVID

Within the framework of the strategic vaccination plan against Covid-19, residents of rural areas in the southern region are vaccinated and receive medical assistance by staff from various hospitals in the region.

The vaccination campaign is being implemented as part of the vaccination process for the elderly and strategic employees in rural areas That is implemented by the Ministry of Health in Rio Negro to reach residents of remote areas of the province.

in this context Last week, health workers moved from the Rural Comalo Hospital to the Belquinho del Lemay area, About 90 kilometers to the north, To vaccinate the elderly and provide assistance to residents. About ten people from the area received their dose against the Coronavirus And medical care, dentistry, psychological and kinesiology.

Residents of Ojos de Agua show their vaccination cards. Image courtesy.

The health service was implemented by the staff of Dr. Nelly Crobato “from Kumalo, with the nurse from the place’s health center, Dario Milabi, and health agent Norma Quidel.

A few days ago, The same team led by the Director of the Kumalo Yazel Diaz Hospital, A similar mission was carried out in the region of Ancon Grande, providing care and vaccination for the inhabitants of the area.

on the other side, Hospital staff “Dr. Rogelio Cortizo, “from Jacobachi, who provided medical care and vaccination against Coronavirus, residents of the Liberation region, About 80 kilometers to the southeast and from Ojos de Agua, a place 45 kilometers to the south, along Regional Route 6.

In these places, about thirty residents received the second dose of Sputnik.

Staff at Jacobaci Hospital traveled to Ojos de Agua, where they were received by Commissioner Santiago Cabanares. Image courtesy.

From the Ojos de Agua Promotion Committee, highlight the importance of getting there To provide medical care, but above all, vaccination against COVID to the population.

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“A great joint effort has been made. From the senior citizens’ area, the logistics have been coordinated and the school directors have provided places for Jacobachi health workers to take care of our residents who are far from the large health centers. It’s very important,” Commissioner Santiago Capanares said.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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