Rodriguez Larita fueled the relationship with the United States: he met Stanley and received a funny gift

Horacio Rodriguez Laretta It constantly seeks to strengthen its relationship with the United States. His regular travels were cut short by the pandemic, but last September he went to New York and met Bill Clinton. at this opportunity Welcome to Mark StanleyThe new US ambassador to Argentina.

Stanley arrived in the country last month and quickly met Alberto Fernandez. The mayor of Portillo also searched for his photo with the diplomat, which finally came out last night and coincided with a photo A special moment in the bilateral agenda of both countries. Not only is a problem expected to be solved Agreement with the International Monetary Fundbut also that the President made statements about his tour of Russia and China that did not go well in Washington, DC

“From the city, we have endorsed our commitment to continue working together on the major agendas of cities, such as Climate changeand in exchanges that generate synergies and development opportunities between our strategic sectors,” Rodriguez Laretta said after the meeting.

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For his part, Stanley said, “It was a pleasure to meet the Prime Minister for the first time. We had a very fruitful meeting in which we discussed issues of mutual interest and areas of strategic cooperation, including dealing with climate change.”

Stanley Larita gift

The ambassador sparkled in a moment of laughter from the meeting ever since Rodriguez gave Larita a Stanley thermos. For his part, the mayor left his relaxed, traditional look in a T-shirt and dressed up in a shirt and suit, albeit not with a tie.

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The meeting took place in Parque Patricios, in the seat of government of Portillo. It lasted for over an hour and they touched on various topics such as Agreement with the International Monetary Fund and concern about the status of the Venezuelan and Nicaragua regimes.

They also discussed issues related to climate change. In particular, about the C40 World Summit of Mayors, to be held in October in Buenos Aires. There are 14 US cities that are part of the network, including New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Another topic of the meeting was the possible accession of Argentina to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In the past month, there has been progress for the country to join the body, which was promoted during the administration of Mauricio Macri.

In addition to Rodriguez Laretta and Stanley, Fernando Stravas, Secretary General and Secretary for International Relations of the Government of Buenos Aires, and Robert Allison, Political Affairs Adviser at the Embassy also participated in the meeting.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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