Roadblocks in Paris after a night of rioting over pension reform

The streets reacted to Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform. This morning, dozens of people carrying UGTT banners and slogans occupied some roads around Paris since early morning. This mobilization comes after a day when thousands of people went out to demonstrate in different parts of the country. Riots broke out in Paris.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin noted that though “There were no serious accidents.” Because there were no serious casualties, the regime forces had to act and carried out 310 arrests, including 258 in Paris.

The minister explained that in Rennes, Albi, Marseille or Paris, some of those who participated in these spontaneous demonstrations attempted to attack official buildings and representative offices of politicians from Macron’s bloc.

The capital witnessed scenes of barricades and fires with mountains of rubbish that accumulated in half of the city’s neighborhoods due to a ten-day strike by collection workers.

In this regard, the head of the interior explained that the state of Paris (a government delegation) had activated the duty to work for some of these strikers for health reasons, after a quarrel with the socialist mayor, Anne Hidalgo, who refused to do so. He. She.

Regarding the garbage collection strike, he explained that “what was unacceptable were the unsanitary conditions” and “since the mayor did not want to assume her responsibilities”, she did so.

France adopted pension reform by decree because President Emmanuel Macron’s government did not have a sufficient majority of deputies.

Prime Minister Elizabeth Bourne announced on Thursday that the government would invoke Article 49.3 of the Constitution to implement a controversial pension reform that raises the retirement age from 62 to 64 without the text having to be approved by the National Assembly. On the same day, the Senate approved the law.

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France was already experiencing strikes in various sectors which caused unrest in the country in response to the president’s action.

In addition to the reaction of the population, this measure was responded to by legislators who sang La Marseillaise. Several groups have declared a motion of no confidence, which must be presented all day Friday. Macron has already faced many people, but he has always been unscathed by the incoherence of groups on his right and left.

Freddie Dawson

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