Rescue people from the top of the rollercoaster

Adorable! what would you do? (Video) Horror: They save people from the top of a rollercoaster

Extreme gaming, a term associated with adrenaline, fear, joy, or expectation. But if we call the roller coaster exactly, many people associate it with speed and speed.

However, it is never expected that at the exact moment, when you are at the top of a mountain, the attraction will cease and will not work anymore.

However, this happened with The Big One, the tallest roller coaster in the UK, which hung at 60 meters. Those affected, between fear, nerves and laughter, manage to record what happened while waiting for their rescue. What they had never thought of was how he had to come down from such a height.

(Video) Horror: They save people from the top of a rollercoaster

Given what happened, the park personnel had to climb to help the affected, who descended from a height of 60 meters in a row down a side slope of the attraction.

(Video) Horror: They save people from the top of a rollercoaster

The view is amazing, but few want to relive an experience of this magnitude.

(Video) Horror: They save people from the top of a rollercoaster

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Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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