Real Madrid raises doubts against the brave Bryugin | Sports

In Granada, the inexperienced wear pure gold and the inexperienced in satin white. Real Madrid imposed its slogans against the audacity of admiration bullfighters Del Briogan after Night got back on track with Yabucell’s violent attack. Building on patience, the Galician team turned jindama into spunk and built a 6-16 split, between the 25th and 32nd minutes, allowing them to compete to the finish with such a Murlaku. Even, with 64-62, with three minutes remaining, get off Heurtel with seven points gave the Galician dream the final touch. The three formed by Yabusli (17 points), Tavares (11 points and 11 rebounds) and Hortel (12 points and 10 assists) cut the production of Musa (13 points, 9 rebounds, 4 assists) and Mhalbasic (16 points).

The Laso team, with more resources, better ball management and emotions in the decisive moments of the match, will go to the semi-finals of the King’s Cup for the ninth year in a row. His rival in the battle to reach the final, as in 2018 and 2021, will be Marcelino and Chermadeni Tenerife.

There was no surprise, but there was a mystery next to Sacromonte. A minute’s silence for the dead and missing sailors in the wreck of the Galician fishing vessel Villa de Betanxo In the waters off Newfoundland, off the northeastern coast of Canada, I gave way to an emotional match in Grenada. With Lugo fans enjoying Breogán’s return to the championship after 32 years, now the third team, in current form, reaches the cup in his promotion season. With Veljko Mrsic’s team trying to scale their targets to buy time, Madrid sharpened their reaction speed and hitting to impose their prowess and expertise.

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White realized the scenario and soon the gluttonous Yabusele organization put the party plan designed by Lasso into orbit. Powerful French striker Parqueh rocked Granada with eight points in less than six minutes (11 points, rebounds and an assist on his flawless first-term record) and allayed doubts that the Whites had reached with a pen stroke. to the appointment. The madridista’s defense dominated Musa and Mhalpasic, and in the absence of Galician enthusiasm, the difference on the scoreboard was well beyond the psychological limit of 10 points. 16-3 to 36-24, with Yabusli returning to the field (14 points in the first half).

“We got to the cup with our legs and heads loaded. Having played 10 matches in 22 days (with five defeats, two against Barcelona), Laso said the day before. Madrid (with Dick and Rudy in the medical part) resorted to the sheet to escape from the sofa in case Escape The whites punished the slow and rainy Brugan The Galician transformations opened the doors of Madrid’s counter-attack wide.

Bryoghan stabilized as the minutes went by, overcoming stage fright, reducing Madrid’s offensive production, balancing the fight for the rebound, and scoring the fewest goals in the second quarter (14-15). But, by then, what Hurtl proposed was at stake (8 passes from 13 of his team in the first half, for only three of the entire Galician team). The French base took advantage of the toughness of the defenders and the strength of Abalde to impose his determination on the opposing court.

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However, based on patience, Breogán got involved in a big way in the sommelier’s dream. Moses and Mahalpasic rebelled, and at 62-60, with four minutes remaining, Moses tricked Abalde and fired the trio that put Breogán on the verge of completion. But the one who finished the job was Heurtel.

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Amber Cross

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