Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte resigned: What happened …

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has resigned This Tuesday in office, after the ruling coalition left the Italian FIFA party. The Prime Minister will continue to be in charge on an interim basis He will seek to be empowered by President Sergio Mattarella to form a new government Building on an alliance that includes pro-European sectors and central sectors for the center-left coalition that he leads.

Conte’s resignation marks the end of his second term – which began on September 5, 2019 – just one week after he secured ratification in Parliament to continue his administration.

The prime minister’s departure is a new chapter in Political crisis The group of former prime minister Matteo Renzi, which arose in the beginning of January with the departure of the executive director of Italy, FIFA, which was dissatisfied with managing the epidemic, arose among other issues, its two ministers, 30 deputies and 18 senators from the ruling party.

Mattarella is expected to begin consultations on Wednesday afternoon with the heads of the House of Representatives, the Senate and parliamentary groups. Then, the head of state can grant a mandate to a corporate figure to explore the potential majority and the personality of the new leader if he deems that Conte has no potential.

However, the intention of the outgoing prime minister is for Mattarella to entrust him with a new term in order to form a new majority. During Conte’s recent cabinet meeting, the heads of delegations of the three forces that make up the Alliance, the Five Star Movement, the Democratic Party and the Freedom and Equality Party, endorsed their support for the Prime Minister and expressed their support for a responsible third executive position. The RAI de Conte series was mentioned with the addition of new center allies.

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In the event that Conte does not receive the necessary support for a government coalition, the president must open new consultations to study another name that brings the majority, or if it proves the impossibility of forming a new executive body, he decides to dissolve the two chambers Go to the elections.

For his part, politician and pole Silvio Berlusconi, leader of the conservative Forza Italia party, said that he would not support the current executive authority of Conte and that the only solution is to form a government that “represents the essential unity of the country in time of emergency” because “any other solution means prolonging the paralysis that the state cannot bear. “.

However, last week, after Conte summoned the “pro-European and liberal” forces to join the government, one and two senators from Forza Italia supported the ratification of the prime minister in Parliament.

Conte’s call for new government alliances seeks to open a gap in the center-right coalition made up of Silvio Berlusconi led by Fuerza Italia, Matteo Salvini League, and Giorgia Meloni Hermannus de Italia, which insists on their request to form their own administrative council or hold new elections.

Freddie Dawson

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