“People put their heads in the freezer, it was inhumane.”

The historical heat wave that affected northwestern North America caused Almost absolute solubility From the mountains of the west coast of Canada, at a height of 3000 meters. The intense heat wave has claimed hundreds of lives in a week and is already moving east. These are historical temperatures in that region of the country and many have been surprised by them. Among them were some Spaniards who told Antena 3 Noticias how they lived it.

‘He’s too extreme’That’s how Jaume defines it. Speaking of the heat, he is a climber, lives in Alberta, and although he is surrounded by mountains, he understands that the situation is very complicated. “On that day, the sun caught us half way through, and the truth is we almost got heat stroke,” he explains.

In an area where temperatures do not usually rise above 33 degrees in summer, Reached nearly 50. In British Columbia alone, more than 700 people have died from the sweltering heat this week, but there’s another problem.

“The heat that causes many storms, many lightnings and This causes firesWithin 5 days, more than 700,000 lightning bolts have been struck in British Columbia as much as eastern Alberta. There are over 130 fires and some of them are 1,300 people were evacuated.

The heat is moving east

Across the border in Oregon Temperatures are dropping Although nearly a hundred people lost their lives along the way. “In the 10 years I’ve been here in my life, I’ve been very hot,” Vanessa says.

But she is not the only one, others say that “there are people who put their heads in the freezer because It was inhumanly hot“Now you can sleep better, according to Simon. The heat travels to the east and Millionaires’ economic losses.

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Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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