Pasha shoots the huge yacht of Joe Louis, the billionaire owner of Tottenham

The world and its contradictions. The Joe Louis Floating Palacein addition to being Tottenham owner – English football club – he, in turn, ranks 12th in the list of the richest man in the UK docked for five days In Pasaya, one of the municipalities with the lowest per capita income in Gipuzkoa. Luxury and flaunt in a sea of ​​necessities.

The mega yachtbaptized in the name of revive, cast anchors on Saturday and set sail yesterday afternoon, after a stay that did not go unnoticed by the residents of the three Pasayta counties. During these days, they have taken pictures of one of this billionaire’s greatest whims – which must be many – which Estimated net worth is $5 billion.

There are five wishes that the rich share: luxury cars, scandalous mansions, private jets, artwork and luxury yachts. Joe Louis episode It is more than just a yacht. It involves an investment of 125 millionAnd, at first glance, its thoughtful lines look amazing, with metallic and pearlescent finishes that give it a certain futuristic vibe.

The mega yacht “Aviva”, a luxurious 98-meter yacht on a whim, is in the port of Pasaya. JN

All in all, the most impressive thing about this ship 98 meters Waiting inside. she has Full size indoor tennis court installed on a yacht, which was a challenge to its builders. Among other things, it is at the heart of the boat due to its length of 20 meters, width of ten meters and height of 6.65 meters. A space also used as a gym and football field. Lewis often encourages the crew to use this space, which can roughly be described as a gym.

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Business in the floating office

But not everything is fun and interesting on the plane. There must be a lot of business to be taken care of for this guy, with one of the UK’s biggest fortunes and 200 companies in his name. It is clear that adequate workspace must be provided on board. “Aviva is more than just an office; it is also my home most of the year. It is convenient for me to work from home, wherever I am in the world,” Joe Lewis once stated. And so, once again, to satisfy your desires, the boat has Floating office equipped with the latest audio-visual, computer and communication technologies.

Louis owns three other yachts, but they are called the apple of his eye revive. As if that weren’t enough, the mega yacht that said goodbye to Pasaia yesterday has a great terrace, swimming pool, onboard garage where he keeps it outdoors and several jet-skis. next to nothing.

Amber Cross

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