Moving Triangles: An exercise to stimulate the direction of attention and thought

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Certainly in a pandemic, we have come to realize many things that have gone unnoticed before. Some even claim that this situation is unusual “autopilot” in which people lived. One way or another, in the midst of the uncertainty, there were many who became more aware “Here and now.”

Now, this awakening in the midst of a health crisis also has to do with paying attention to specific and specific situations, issues that occur – many times – in daily routines and work. We are more aware because basically We are more attentive.

But, What exactly is interest? First you have to say that It is a complex function involved in obtaining and maintaining alert states, orientation toward stimuli, selection of stimuli and events, and organization and direction of thought.. The interest is present in all the activities we do during the day, from watching TV, having a conversation, reading the newspaper, finding keys at home, reading email, driving, etc. For this reason, it is important that you practice it, because the failure to pay attention in addition to its huge impact on daily functioning, It will also affect the proper functioning of other cognitive areas such as memory.

There are different models that attempt to explain the systems that make up attention, and to identify specific neural networks that are activated when we perform certain tasks. Other models, such as the Sohlberg and Mateer model, divide attention into different types: sustainable, focused or eclectic, divided and alternating.

Playing sports

The main objective of the activity will be to carefully observe and indicate which of the squares there are more blue triangles in total.

The suggested exercise in this fourth installment, Continuous and focused attention exercises. This relates to the ability to maintain attention activity for an extended period of time, while the second relates to the ability to identify, highlight, or focus on important stimuli or ideas at a given moment, while inhibiting others.

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Why is it important to practice attention?

We cannot pay attention to a large number of things at the same time, it is important to train him to be able to pay attention to those things that matter to us (Gettyimages)
We cannot pay attention to a large number of things at the same time, it is important to train him to be able to pay attention to those things that matter to us (Gettyimages)

Attention is a very important cognitive process because thanks to it, other cognitive processes can function normally. Being of limited capacity, We cannot pay attention to a large number of things at the same time, it is important to train it to be able to pay attention to those things that matter to us.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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