Most Londoners support expanding Wimbledon

Most Londoners support the controversial expansion of Wimbledonthe third of the four Grand Slam tournaments according to the tennis rankings, According to a poll Made by YouGovthe most famous surveying company in the UK.

Wimbledon bought the Wimbledon Park land adjacent to the All England Club in 2018 for 72 million euros, with the aim of building 38 stadiums and a stadium with a capacity of 8,000 spectators. However, these lands, which are classified as green areas, are subject to the jurisprudence of the Merton boroughs, which had previously given their approval for the expansion last month. Meanwhile, Wandsworth rejected this two weeks ago.

According to this report, 58% of Londoners support the implementation of this project, while only 11% oppose it.

This latest rejection means that the matter is now in the hands of the D.C. City Council to decide whether or not to approve. The neighbors’ complaints are due to the environmental damage that the works will cause, which, in their opinion, will lead to the destruction of this green space in the neighborhood, which was previously a golf course.

Citizens who supported the expansion in the survey did so because they believed it would create new jobs, as well as serve as an economic boost for the region, as well as ensuring the long-term viability of the tournament.

Wimbledon’s aim with this initiative is to expand the current offer of venues, as it has 19 tournament courts, in addition to the existing training courts at Orangi Park, as well as the ability to play the qualifying stage in the same complex, as the rest of the venues. Grand Slam, not in Roehampton, several kilometers away.

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The Mayor of London’s office will have to make a decision in the coming days. If it is not in Wimbledon’s favour, the tournament may take legal action.

Amber Cross

"Music buff. Unapologetic problem solver. Organizer. Social media maven. Web nerd. Incurable reader."

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