“Moment 1991” by Nicolas Maduro

Several sources reported that, this weekend, high-ranking US officials traveled to Venezuela to speak with the government of Nicolás Maduro and find out how willing he is to distance himself from his ally, Vladimir Putin.

  • Russia has no real interests in Venezuela. However, given its global conflict with the United States, In recent years, he has decided to support Maduro with the goal of creating problems for Washington in what he considers his backyard.

The US mission consisted of officials from the White House and State Department, and It represents the highest US visit to Venezuela in recent years.

According to many analysts, as Washington considers blocking Russian oil imports, Venezuela could become a potential alternative source of supplies. In this sense, Easing sanctions on Caracas would create an alternative source of global energy, although many warn that it could strengthen Maduro.

  • For his part, for the Venezuelan dictator, sanctions against Russia are making him even more isolated and unprotected, so this show presents a unique opportunity to re-establish himself in the West.

With the collapse of the Russian economy, The United States seizes the opportunity to promote its agenda among authoritarian regimes in Latin America that may begin to see Putin as an increasingly weak ally.the New York Times reported.

In 1991, after the fall of the Soviet Union, Cuba experienced a similar situation, but the communist regime decided to maintain its hard line against the West and remained completely isolated. Now, it is up to Maduro to seize the opportunity.

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As the New York Times states, Maduro and other allies of Russia in Latin America, such as the Cubans or Nicaraguans, began to distance themselves from the Russian offensive.. Indeed, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba abstained or did not vote on the two proposed resolutions at the United Nations condemning Russian aggression.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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