Migrants stranded in northern Mexico will seek asylum from the Government of Canada

Matamoros (Mexico), December 29. Latin American families stranded on Mexico’s northern border will now ask the Government of Canada to grant them asylum.

This, after the extension applied by the United States to “Title 42” affecting immigrants who settled in a camp in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, and who have already begun to prepare a census to register applicants for this application.

Faced with the mistreatment they argue with by the North American country, which has made them anxious about its policies, citizens of various countries, especially Venezuelans, set their sights on the “Canadian Dream”.

“We do not all wish to go to the United States, and since they do not open their doors to us to access what we want, we feel obliged to invite the Government of Canada to our assistance please.” Venezuelan national, Mari Carmen Garza, told EFE.

The humanitarian crisis experienced by about 7,000 applicants when they live on the banks of the Rio Grande River, which separates the Mexican and American lands, and where they lack basic services, is a factor that has transcended patience and pushed them to look for others. options for these immigrants.

Enumeration is being processed

Within the settlement where the immigrants lived, a notebook began to be passed in which those interested in entering the North American country would be listed, as part of the procedure for seeking contact with the Canadian government, which would also be given a letter to formalize the petition.

Venezuelan Jr. Rosemary argued: “Since only the United States of Title 42 vetoed the Venezuelans, we are looking for Canada as a second option, in which they can offer us humanitarian respite or political asylum, whatever they can say.”

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The group, which conceived the idea and which is still small compared to the number of people waiting to cross into the United States, realizes that that nation requires manpower and as soon as it opens its doors the flow will be redirected.

“Some agents from the Canadian embassy will come to give us information and guide us on how to proceed with the process to get there, and I know many people will leave,” said Venezuelan Yovin Chacin.

In recent days, families and individuals have crossed the Rio Grande on inflatable mattresses to put pressure on Joe Biden’s government, but they have not succeeded because they have returned across the Matamoros border.

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The Central American community and displaced Mexicans, a small number compared to Venezuelans who now form the majority, have also joined this movement out of desperation at the lack of progress.

We would like them to take us into consideration too, any country can help us as well. “We feel helpless when we see so much suffering from so many nationalities, and we have no one’s answer,” said Corina del Carmen Amador from Honduras.

For now, only the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is seen, at that point where thousands of migrants are crammed in, trying to support them, but the demand is beyond any effort, including activists. EFE


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Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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