Mexico will import Argentine meat | BAE Business

After Mexico announced the opening of its markets to Argentine beef, National Service for Health and Food Quality (SNASA) s Health, Safety and Food Quality (Sinasica)Work is underway on the final details of the health certificate accompanying the exports of this agricultural food product.

Minister of Agriculture John Joseph PaheluAnd the He highlighted the “coordinated work between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SINASA, in order to implement the strategy set by the Ministry of Economy to open more and more markets for the food produced by our country. Boosting exports and expanding destinations for our meat is the central focus of our policy,” Pahelu said, noting that “the only way to grow is to produce more and create new markets.”

“This is a joint effort of the various departments in Cinasa, this process began over 8 years ago, and the team has maintained consistency on the health issue. We hope that this will be repeated in other negotiations. “This is how a real health policy is being developed over time,” said Rodolfo Acerbe, deputy head of the state health agency..

The official also noted that “there is now a new alternative to selling cuts of similar value to those we send to the European continent” and highlighted the importance of “owning the Argentine meat chain”. North American markets openCanada, the United States, and Mexico.

Thus he concludes The negotiation process started in 2014whose final chapter was conducted last July with a comprehensive review of the beef production and processing system by Senasica who, accompanied by specialists from Senasa, toured farms, laboratories and industrial enterprises.

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mexican cinaeca ear 22 processing plants to export beef products from Argentina and now both health services are working on amending the details to agree on animal health requirements that will appear on the health certificate that will guarantee the shipments.

During a review last July, Sinasica inspectors verified that Sinasa’s control system complies with the highest food health and safety standards required by Mexico.

At the final audit meeting, the Head of the Senaseca delegation, René Hernandez Ruiz He highlighted the coordinated work between that authority and CINASA to verify animal health and safety aspects of beef production in Argentina.

The Mexican auditors appreciated Sinasa’s work and highlighted the good readiness and transparency of the companies as well as the Argentine authority, which allowed them to take a complete look at the beef chain, to perform a comprehensive analysis in the final report that finally allowed to open up that destination for Argentine beef.

Source: SENASA

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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