Leap Year: What legally happens to those born on February 29?

Almost every four years there Leap year, through which one day is added to the 365 days in which the Earth's rotation around the Sun is calculated. Thus, on some occasions February 29 is included in the calendar. During those 24 hours many things can happen, such as births. The probability of being born on this date is 1 in 1,461, according to the Honorary Society of Those Born on a Leap Day. Currently, there are four million people in the world born on that day.

In this sense, many wonder What happens legally? In the case of people born during this extra day which only occurs in leap years.

When an Argentine person is born, regardless of his country of origin, It is necessary for her parents or guardians to register her in the civil registry. It is a government organization committed to recording the most important basic information of the citizens of our country from their birth and throughout the different stages of their lives. This is stipulated in Law No. 17671 issued in 1968.

When someone is born February 29Legally, this individual must be registered with this date of birth. This can be found on your birth certificate and in other documents, such as your National Identity Document (DNI).

However, during years with 365 days it is customary for them to celebrate their birthdays on another day. They can celebrate it on the date they deem appropriate: February 28 or March 1. But this decision has no legal significance in our country.

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Why leap years?

This peculiarity occurs due to the use of the Gregorian calendar in most parts of the world. This method of measuring time was created in 1582 By Pope Gregory XIII for its effectiveness, because it allows astronomical dates to be aligned with historical dates. In this way, the dates of solstices, equinoxes and other phenomena can be kept constant.

However Gregorian calendar It specifies that the Earth revolves around the Sun in 365 days, but this calculation is not accurate. So, There is a surplus of clocks that could make this system of European origin obsolete.. If it were not for leap years, the calendars would move by 3 days every 12 years, causing a change in the start date of the seasons. it is It was decided to add an extra day approximately every four years to make up the bill.

However, there is still a slight error in the calculation by which it was determined that leap years do not always occur every four years. The exception to this rule is those years that are divisible by 100. If it can also be divided by 400, then another day is added. Otherwise, it is not a leap year despite being a multiple of 4. Therefore, 2096 will be a leap year, but 2100 will not.

Freddie Dawson

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