Kevin Spacey pleads not guilty to seven new charges of sexual assault in the UK | people | entertainment

American actor Kevin Spacey He pleaded not guilty on Friday to seven new charges of sexual assault in the United Kingdom. After months of denying other similar accusations.

Spacey, 63, who attended the hearing at Southwark Court in London via video, is accused of sexually assaulting a man between 2001 and 2004.

The Hollywood actor is accused of coercing the alleged victimTo have non-consensual sexual relations“, the prosecutor's office said in November, when it allowed police to add the new charges to its already long record.

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Two-time Academy Award winner, L American beauty (1999) and The usual suspects (1995), four people are already being tried before the British judicial system Sexual assaults on three men between March 2005 and April 2013When he was director of the prestigious Old Vic Theater in London.

Overall, after another complaint from a man in November, He now faces 12 charges related to the sexual assault allegations. Against four people of the same gender between 2001 and 2013.

The actor's trial, which will last for a month in June, will address all of these issues. (Yo)

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Terry Alexander

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