Joe Biden’s envoy’s visit: Argentina and the United States strengthened bilateral relations

It was a meeting “Very productive” According to Casa Rosada, they gave time to jokes and exchange Maradona’s soccer jerseys. In the transit climate today meeting the president Alberto Fernandez With followers of the President of the United States Joseph BidenAnd National Security Adviser of the United States, Jake Sullivan, with whom a wide range of bilateral agenda has been addressed and He served the government in deepening engagement with Washington.

Throughout a lunch for more than two hours in Fifth olive Fernandez and Sullivan exchanged impressions of the situation in pandemic At the global level, Argentina thanked the United States for its efforts in negotiating and sending the International Monetary Fund Vaccine donation. But the thorny issue of Venezuela and the climate change agreement was also addressed.

The US Embassy in Buenos Aires issued a brief tweet noting that Alberto Fernandez and Sullivan “discussed the importance of cooperation between Argentina and the United States to support democracy in the region, promote economic growth, and combat transnational challenges such as the pandemic and climate change.” not more than that.

Casa Rosada reported that the meeting served “Strengthening bilateral relations based on addressing priority issues for both countries.” They noted that during his conversation with Sullivan, President Alberto Fernandez spoke about issues of bilateral concern such as caring for the environment and climate change, reviewing financial institutions and fighting the pandemic.

The meeting also discussed the importance of strengthening response capabilities in the fight against COVID-19, as well as Argentina’s potential for the production and distribution of vaccines.

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And the president gave the American official a letter to President Biden in which he thanked him for the donation he received from the United States of 3.5 million doses of the Moderna vaccine, and conveyed the impact of this on the vaccination campaign, and Argentina is in progress.

Another topic discussed was the need to promote a new global tax and financial structure in accordance with the challenges and requirements of sustainable, inclusive and supportive human development.

The Argentine government described the meeting as “very productive” and noted that it worked on issues such as the productive, technological and commercial agenda, electric mobility, cooperation agreements in defense matters, the financing agenda on environmental issues and the knowledge economy agenda for its development. Between the two countries.

official White House He had a significant weight in the Biden administration, he met Alberto Fernandez at Olivos with the director of the National Security Council for the Western Hemisphere, Juan Gonzalez. peers from Technology and Homeland Security, Tarun Chhabra; by Cybernetica, Amit Mittal; and from the State Department’s Western Hemisphere Bureau, Ricardo Ziga. On the Argentine side, among others, the chancellor was Felipe Sol; Argentine Ambassador to Washington Jorge Argello and Minister of Strategic Affairs Gustavo Blaise.

As learned in the meeting The Venezuela issue and Washington’s idea of ​​opening a dialogue with the Venezuelan opposition were discussed despite the resistance of the Nicolás Maduro regime. This way will be done With Mexico and Canada to achieve a democratic solution to the crisis in that Caribbean country.

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On the other hand, the issue of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which has great interest in Biden’s global agenda and which coincides with Argentina on this point, was addressed. Unlike Brazil under Jair Bolsonaro, the Alberto Fernandez administration has already shown its support for the cause for the United States.

Sullivan is sure to discuss this issue and investment prospects in the country with Argentine businessmen at a meeting he will later hold at the State Department.

In the meantime, at the meeting in Olivus theme “Economic growth with equity”, As they said in Casa Rosada. This has to do with negotiations for sustainable debt repayment with the International Monetary Fund.

The issue of most concern to the United States is Argentina’s decision to advance with China the installation of a 5G communication system with Huawei technology and the installation of a logistics center in Tierra del Fuego to supply Antarctica with Chinese capital. But no one confirms that these topics have been approached.

Sullivan is the 28th Presidential Assistant for National Security Affairs (National Security Adviser) and in the Administration ObamaBiden, served as Deputy Assistant to the President and National Security Adviser to the Vice President at the time, as well as Director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister for the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hillary Clinton.

During his tenure in government, Sullivan led the negotiations in the initial talks that paved the way for the Iran nuclear deal and played a key role in the negotiations he initiated United State Which led to the cease-fire in Gaza In 2012.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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