Joe Biden announces the best foreign policy and national security picks

Alejandro Mayorcas has been nominated as Biden’s secretary to the Department of Homeland Security, and will be the first Latino to head the agency. Mayoras, the former deputy secretary of Homeland Security, will be tasked with rebuilding the ministry the Trump administration has used to enforce its strict border policy, including family separation on the US-Mexico border.

Avril Haines, a former senior CIA official and deputy national security advisor, has been nominated as Director of National Intelligence and will be the first woman to hold the powerful position.

Biden will choose former US Secretary of State John Kerry as the special presidential envoy on climate. Kerry is the hero of the Paris climate agreement, from which Trump has formally withdrawn. Biden was chosen by Kerry to co-chair a “unity task force” on climate change with allies of Senator Bernie Sanders after the Democratic presidential primaries.

The transition team also confirmed in a statement Previous CNN reports Biden will choose Anthony Blinken as Secretary of State, Linda Thomas Greenfield as ambassador to the United Nations and Jake Sullivan as national security adviser.

Blinken, Biden’s top foreign policy aide, previously served as a deputy during the Obama administration. Sullivan is another foreign policy expert, and Thomas Greenfield is a career diplomat with in-depth experience in the diplomatic service.

“These individuals are just as experienced and crisis-tested as they are innovative and imaginative. Their achievements in diplomacy are unparalleled, but they also reflect the idea that we cannot meet the deep challenges of this new moment with old thinking and unchanged habits -” Biden said in a statement. Without diversity in background or perspective. ”

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Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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