Georgia run-off election: Trump says he will travel to Purdue, Loeffler

“Speaking of Georgia, I’m going there,” the president said after a Thanksgiving video phone call with US service members, in which he unfounded the state election results.

White House Press Secretary Judd Deer said the president’s visit is scheduled for Saturday, December 5.

Trump once said, “Maybe I’ll go twice,” indicating that he would love to do it on the field, “but you can’t, because of Covid.”

Georgia holds a run-off for both of its seats in the US Senate. If any of the incumbent Republicans, Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue, retain their seats, the party would retain its majority control in the House.

If Democratic rivals John Usov and Reverend Raphael Warnock both win, the Democrats will gain control of the Senate thanks to the vote of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

“Don’t be disappointed yet, because this race is not over yet,” Trump said.

The president’s comments were punctuated by a reckless press conference in which he pushed for more unfounded conspiracy theories to vote fraud and which he continued to deny. Losing the election. The scene came right after his call with the troops – an event that US presidents have traditionally used to boost the spirits of service personnel stationed overseas during holidays and remind the country of their service.

When he launched the call, Trump said, “Many of you are very far from home, but today, we hope you know that millions of American families are praying in gratitude for the sacrifices they make and the job that is unbelievable and totally unbelievable.” “

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He added that the country “is doing a very good job. It is the highest honor in my life to be your commander in chief.”

Trump has spoken to six units representing every US military branch, including the Space Force, which he said holds “a special place in my heart.”

“Thank you all, have a great Thanksgiving, and don’t eat too much turkey,” he said while wrapping up the call.

President-elect Joe Biden chirp He spent the afternoon on video calls with frontline workers.

Biden said: “Today’s generation and I were honored to speak with some of the heroes on the front lines of this crisis.” “We are grateful today and every day to the nurses and firefighters who sacrifice so much to keep our communities safe. We see the best of America in your courage and selflessness.”

In 2017 and 2018, Trump made a Thanksgiving call with troops from his resort in Mar-a-Lago. Surprise visit For American forces in Afghanistan.

Trump said at the time, “There is no better place to celebrate this Thanksgiving here, with the strongest, strongest, best and bravest warriors on earth.”

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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