Javier Miley’s international relations and his “Trumpian” measures if he came to power

Far from being an isolated phenomenon, the growing role of the economist Javier Milly On the Argentine political scene corresponds to the emergence of conservative figures in different regions of the West. The leader of La Libertad Avanza is far from hiding his connections to the international right. On the contrary, she makes this link remarkable when it comes to standing up against her main ideological “enemy”: “socialism”an umbrella under which the Trotskyist left and Horacio Rodriguez Larita.

From his conversation with the Brazilian Eduardo Bolsonaroeven his rapprochement with the far right voxin Spain, by defending controversial figures such as the former US president Donald TrumpThe presidential candidate who promises to “dollarize” the economy personally feeds these stations. as far as he can tell NationThere is no official instance within La Libertad Avanza dedicated to linking all of these links in a coordinated manner.

Javier Meili with Eduardo Bolsonaro

Javier is not going out of his way to get an international membershipAs does the UCR with the Socialist International or the International Pro-Democratic Center,” the analyst and consultant emphasized, Alvaro Ziccarelli, who, until November last year, was an adviser on foreign issues to the Liberal Leader. Ziccarelli, who endorsed his “affection, affection and admiration” for his former boss, assumed the position in 2021, when he became deputy national economist.

“I have the relationships I need to have”Millie answered, last January, after being asked about the possibility of arranging a meeting with the Republican reference Donald Trump. He explained, “It is clear that I am connected to the Republican Party, and it is clear that there is a possibility to communicate with former President Trump.”

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He, despite not having an official relationship with Trump, Nation It can know that there are “technical” terminals with International Republican Institute (IRI), a Think tank An American Republican devoted to relations with other right-wing parties and designing public policies regarding foreign policy toward Latin America.

The truth is that, in contrast to her marked reluctance when it comes to showing herself publicly with local leaders (the “class”, according to her words), Millie often participates in various political meetings outside the country. In June last year, he was part of a panel in the framework of the Brazilian version of Conservative Action Political Conference (CPAC)an event organized by the deputy Eduardo Bolsonaroone of its main regional allies. In the same month, in addition, the economist also traveled to Colombia to give his support to the “old man from TikTok”. Rodolfo Hernandeza intruder Who reached the second round in the presidential elections of the Caribbean country.

Javier Meili, Eduardo Bolsonaro and José Antonio Caste participated in the “Against Socialism” forum in BrazilAdvance freedom of the press

You have to understand that socialism is not an honest opponent, but the enemy. Not understanding this means taking half-hearted positions that lead to larger doses of socialism, even leading to the dictatorship of the left.“, Milli warned at the event in the city of Campinas, which also included right-wingers and defenders of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, Jose Antonio Castone of the surprises of the recent presidential elections in Chili pepper In 2021, where he managed to win the first national competition and then was defeated by it Gabriel Burek.

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Brazilian version of CPAC – the largest right-wing conservative event in the United States since 1973 – organized by the Institute of Liberal Conservatives, and another Think tank Promoted by Ibn Jair Bolsonaro. The link between Milli and the Brazilian leader, who visited Argentina last October, was achieved thanks to Fernando Ceremidoa political consultant who specializes in negative campaigns, was charged last year in Brazil with spreading false information about that country’s presidential elections.

Javier Meili, Eduardo Bolsonaro and José Antonio Caste participated in the “Against Socialism” forum in BrazilAdvance freedom of the press

site manager daily rightCremedo denounced the alleged manipulation of electronic voting machines in the elections that returned to power Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva. At the beginning of the year, Meili himself joined in on those releases by hinting that there was a “serious problem with the case of fraud” in the neighboring country. It was the same argument he used in 2020, when he was a Democrat Joe Biden She beat Trump in the US elections.

“That’s why you have to be very careful what they do here with the electoral system.”He warned on that occasion, in direct reference to the upcoming presidential elections in Argentina. His words came after violent incidents recorded in Brasília, where a mob of Bolsonaro supporters entered the Planalto Palace and wreaked havoc. A fact almost identical to the fact that Trump fans invaded the Capitol in January 2021.

There is no doubt that the most important international event in which the liberal leader participated took place in Spain. Last September, Millie took part in a huge act for Vox, the right-wing reference party Santiago Abascal. “Go fight left-handed, we’ll win it!”He strangled those present at the end of his speech, standing before a lectern with the legend “The History We Made Together” and an excited audience.

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Last year, Millie joined the so-called “Message from Madrid”an ad promoting it Madrid forum In opposition to progressive St Paul’s Forum. The person responsible for cementing this bond was his fellow attorney from the bench in Congress Victoria Villarroelwho has a direct relationship with one of the founding members of Vox, and especially with the former head of the party, Javier Ortega Smithrepresentative of its most pro-Franco and ultra-conservative wing.

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Javier Milei participated with the Vox party in Spain

The Spanish far right vox It achieved a big election in 2019, reaching 53 MP seats, more than double the number it had up to that point, making it The third political force in the country. One of its main strategies was the promotion of anti-immigration rhetoric, under the slogan “Make Spain Great Again”, which fueled conspiracy theories about the possible intervention of a former Trump advisor, Steve Bannon.

In this sense, when asked about the character of Bannon, a kind of “black monk” for the international right, Ziccarelli denied having any kind of relationship with Milley. “I don’t know that there were attempts to link him.”said before Nation. There was no relationship between Javier and what is known as the movementthe space that Bannon is trying to create on a global scale,” the consultant specified.

However, there is a campaign promise that directly links the La Libertad Avanza leader to Trump: Transfer of the Argentine Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to JerusalemA parody of the controversial decision made by the then Republican President in 2017. As Mellie has confirmed on several occasions, she First flight As president that country would be in the Middle East. “the one [por Dios] He made Moses break the first tablets of the law and the first word he spoke was Jerusalem. That was the capital chosen by King David.”

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