Javier Miley closed the door on the BRICS countries Argentina has been excluded from the bloc, which accounts for 24% of global GDP

As he announced before taking office Javier Miley has officially renounced Argentina's accession as a full member of the BRICSIt is the bloc of emerging economies that could have provided the country with strong political and economic support to confront the crisis it is going through.

This was confirmed by the far-right president Letter sent to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir PutinWho temporarily heads the economic alliance that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The same message was sent to the leaders of all countries in the bloc.

Miley's message to leave BRICS

Miley stated in his letter that in his government “The incorporation of the Argentine Republic into the BRICS countries is not considered appropriate As a full member as of January 1, 2024.

“The foreign policy footprint of the government that I headed a few days ago differs in many aspects from the footprint of the previous government.”The very brief text that leaves the country closed explains one of the greatest entry doors to the world.

Argentina's accession as a full member of that multipolar bloc was approved last August at the Johannesburg summit, after this was approved last August. Intensive efforts The government of Alberto Fernandez and the Brazilian Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

And that was the goal The country received a strong push to emerge from the crisis which it passes through, and through these partners it can obtain direct financial assistance for specific projects.

Ideological alignments

Before his victory in the run-off, Miley predicted that if elected, he would not allow his country to enter that bloc. Its reasons were ideologicalMore than realistic in terms of economic strategy, integration and macroeconomic strengthening.

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The main argument for rejecting the BRICS group was this This bloc was made up of “communist” countries. Who did not do business with him. With this hypothesis, he said that he “does not see any advantages” to this cooperation bloc, which represents 40 percent of the world's population, 24 percent of global GDP, 16 percent of exports, and 15 percent of global imports of goods and services.

Miley previously announced the official rejection of the BRICS group at the end of last November, through a message she posted on social media. He simply said: “We will not join the BRICS.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was responsible for sending him The message to PutinIn which Miley explained that “some of the decisions taken by the previous administration will be reconsidered,” among them “Establishing a specialized unit for the effective participation of BRICS countries”.

What is striking is that after the brief arguments with which he refused, the Argentine president endorsed Putin – and each of the BRICS members -.”My government's commitment to intensifying bilateral relations with your countryEspecially increasing trade and investment flows.”

He also expressed his desire to travel to Russia: “Waiting to meet youThe text, which closes one of the country's gateways to the world, concluded, “I take this opportunity to reiterate assurances of my deepest respect.”

Freddie Dawson

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