Italy makes Argentina’s entry more flexible | What do those who pray to deliver

Government Italy has made entry requirements more flexible for Argentines who present a certificate of vaccination With at least two doses of some vaccines approved by the European Union. Also, they won’t have to quarantine.

Through a seven-article decree signed by Health Minister Roberto Speranza, Italy has moved Argentina from the list of countries classified as “E” – with greater restrictions – to “D”, the same category in which the The United States, Great Britain or Israel.

The vaccines that Italy currently accepts that allow entry without the need for quarantine are those vaccines Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.

The new law – which takes effect on Thursday – requires travelers who want to enter to fill out a passenger “location form”. In it, they will ask for information about their stay in Italy, in addition, they must submit a negative PCR test or antigen test for the same result, which is carried out within 72 hours before shipment.

In the event that persons do not present a certificate of vaccination, Only by special means will they be able to enter and reach their final destination in Italy And they have to do five days of quarantine, Then they will be asked to take a molecular test or a new antigen test.

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